
December 7th, 2011


[No Subject]

Oh my God.

[No Subject]


[Because Spike is a ghost, it took him a great deal of effort to write this. His network posts will be short and cryptic, much like a Ouija board.]

[No Subject]

what magic is this

where am i



[No Subject]

This is so strange.

Last thing I remember was falling asleep on the office sofa thanks to a nasty headache then poof I'm on a train. Since it can't be the meds (I only took 2 Advil) then something odd is afoot.

Jack? Ianto? Either of you here?

[No Subject]

Kidnapped by a rogue time-traveling interdimensional passenger train? Neat!



[No Subject]

Does anyone have cigarettes?

[No Subject]

Whoa, hey. I just got a majorly bad vibe about the area up front. This might sound crazy, but I really think it's best if people stay clear of it until we know what's going on.



[No Subject]

I made four copies of the deck of cards.

One's yellow and black. One's red and gold. One's silver and green. One's blue and bronze.

Each parlour car has two decks. Logan wouldn't give me the original one to keep. Like I was going to lose it or something. Pffft.

This is our ONLY FORM of entertainment, people. Try not to lose them. Like I can't just keep making copies forever and MAKE A TRAIN OF CARDS.

I am so bored



[No Subject]

hi dad if you come rescue us now i promise i will put mrs pickels and all the other animals back pleas dont be mad at me i love you and i miss mom and cliff love, maxine