Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
Kinky Kristmas 2012 Reveals! 
7th January 2013 22:00
With this post, another Kinky Kristmas season comes to a close. Although we had fewer total pieces this time around, we had a wider range of characters and pairings than in previous years -- even a number of characters never before featured in Kinky Kristmas -- thus proving that Daily Deviant continues to produce some of the most interesting, unsual, and varied fic and art to be found in the fandom. A huge round of applause to all of this year's fantastic authors and artists!

Before we get to the reveals, we have some huge thank yous to extend.

- As always, our most heartfelt thanks to everyone, both members and watchers, who read, viewed, commented, and recced throughout December. We all play in this big fandom sandbox for the interaction with dirty-minded like-minded individuals, so it's you wonderful folks who keep this fandom and this comm rolling along. THANK YOU!

- Once again, thanks go out to the authors and artists who contributed pieces to this year's celebration. You've helped fulfill some members' smutty holiday wishes while entertaining the rest of us in the process, and the resulting collection of works is wondrous indeed!

- And last but most definitely not least, enormous heaps of gratitude and virtual brownies to those generous souls who contributed pinch hits and extra pieces this year: [info]its_art, [info]lilmisblack, [info]roozetter, [info]torino10154, and [info]unbroken_halo. ♥ ♥ ♥

We're truly delighted by this year's collection of tasty and unusual fics and art. We hope you enjoyed the pieces as much as we did, that you'll spend some time going back to any fantastic things that you might have missed, and that you'll continue watching the action here at Daily Deviant throughout the new year.

Now, with all of that said...

Art by Daily Deviant Members:
Hogwarts Does Harry (Harry/4 boys of your choice) by [info]thilia
Christmas Surprise (Draco/Pansy) by [info]its_art
All the way home I'll be warm (Harry/Draco) by [info]phoenixacid
The Ties That Bind (Harry/Neville) by [info]tripperfunster
An Outing (Minerva/Poppy) by [info]wallflowergirl
The Comforts of Home (Severus/Lily/James) by [info]akatnamedeaster

Fic by Daily Deviant Members:
Spinning the World (James Sirius/Albus Severus) by [info]sdk
Pied Piper (Tonks/Ginny/Pansy/Luna/Fleur in various permutations) by [info]its_art
Summertime (Severus/Sirius) by [info]centaury_squill
All I Want for Christmas (Kingsley/Draco) by [info]elfflame
Not Too Young (Remus/Sirius/Harry) by [info]sabethea
The Tipsy Werewolf and the Christmas Crackers (Snape/Lupin) by [info]islandsmoke
Best and the Brightest (Harry/Tonks) by [info]tjs_whatnot
Somewhere in the Carpathian Mountains... (Charlie/Neville) by [info]tornio10154
Perfect Storms (Fred/George) by [info]unbroken_halo
Not On His List (Harry/Pansy) by [info]ldymusyc
Neville in the Library With Feeling (Neville/Draco) by [info]alisanne
Over By Christmas (Albus/Gellert) by [info]inamac
A Need for Warmth (Bill/Charlie) by [info]leela_cat
Let It Snow (Snape/Harry) by [info]hogwartshoney
English Delight (Severus/Lucius) by [info]torino10154
Hidden Messages and Star-Crossed Lovers (Harry/Draco, Teddy/Scorpius) by [info]mindabbles
One All (McGonagall/Scrimgeour) by [info]purplefluffycat
You Still Smell (Sirius/Severus) by [info]kinky_kneazle
The Eve Before Christmas (Neville/Lavender) by [info]silvernatasha
It Started So Innocently (Harry/Sirius, Harry/Draco, Harry/Teddy) by [info]roozetter
To Hope Is To Risk (Remus/Sirius, Severus/Sirius) by [info]unbroken_halo
Bad Girls Go Everywhere (Ron/Lavender) by [info]lunalovepotter
Portrait of a happy family (Harry/Lily Luna) by [info]lilmisblack
A Rush of Blood to the Head (Ron/Draco) by [info]lokifan
The other side (Lucius/Regulus) by [info]lilmisblack
Sooner or Later (I Always Get My Man) (Ginny/Tom Riddle) by [info]songquake

Fic by Daily Deviant Watchers:
Devilish Decorations (Snape/Harry) by [info]lilyseyes
So Sane It's Driving Me Crazy (Percy/Marcus) by [info]tryslora
Exceeds Expectations (Albus/Horace) by [info]amand_r
Not Even a Little Bit, Not Even At All (Pansy/Astoria) by [info]scarletladyy
Bellatrix (Severus/Bellatrix) by [info]smallbrownfrog
Brooding on a Broom (Hooch/McGonagall) by [info]themissinglink
Merry Mistress (Abraxas/Eileen) by [info]snapesgirl
Reading Between the Lines (Rita/Hermione) by [info]dexstarr
A Reminder (Lucius, Sirius) by [info]alafaye
Ribbons, Bows, and Busks (Harry/Luna, others) by [info]bonfoi
Lesson Learned (Draco/Snape) by [info]kitty_fic
8th January 2013 12:50
Thank you so so so much for letting me write for the people who bring us such wonderful words and pictures on a regular basis!! Thank you to all the DD members for all the wonderful stories they tell and art they show every month. Thank you to the mods for organizing both the comm throughout the year, and for organizing Kinky Kristmas. *blows kisses to all*
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