Multiverse of Madness Network


Layout By

March 11th, 2022



netpost: laura kinney

If a cat wearing a red collar walks into your apartment and starts criticising the furnishings please tell her to mind her business and go home. Apparently Pan is a snob, which is funny for a stray from rural Serbia. She usually sticks around the embassy but I've seen her tracker show up in New Asgard or the facility a few times.



The range is gone..and PONG is gone. Both are..concerning.

So, how many of you are left?

I've disabled all info I can on my side on PONG regarding our location...but...that tiny robot knows a lot.



Netpost: Sharon

I woke up feeling different this morning. Did anyone else wake up feeling different? I know we have some other strange things happening--animals who can speak English, items and locations disappearing... so it's probably just another version of portal strangeness that's got me feeling... different. Still, I figured I would ask.



Netpost: Col. James Rhodes - early morning


Well... this is embarrassing.  And infuriating. 

My mobility harness has vanished.