Multiverse of Madness Network


Layout By

March 10th, 2022



Alas, talking animals wasn't on my list of 21st century scientific advancements. I would like to commend the cat who called me an "arrogant prick," however. That was inspired.

Where are the other pets with criticism? I'd like to meet them.



Netpost: Kate Bishop

Did anyone else notice that it's Girl Scout Cookie season? Is that just me? I could live on Thin Mints.

Almost makes up for the fact that the range is gone. Just... gone. I went to practice (because my bow was one of the things that landed on poor Quentin's sandwich, thankfuckingGod... but now that I have a bow, there's no archery range.



Netpost: Cath

Just a reminder that I sell dog treats in the bakery. Come to Sally's for a cup of coffee, and some snacks for your talking pet!

These treats were made using ingredients that are tasty and safe for dogs, but also for humans. The yellow ones are cheddar biscuits, and the brown ones are spiced, like cookies. Though, they are low in salt and sugar, so may not be super tasty for humans, but I hope that the dogs like them.

Let me know if you would like a delivery.



Voicepost; Clark Kent


I am Krypto. I am a canine from the planet Krypton. Your portal is not like anything I have smelled before and it sounds off-key, but I like being here. There are lots of things to see.

My Kryptonian is Kal, I was charged to keep him company when he was a small baby. He is fully grown now, but I still keep him company. My Kal is very busy with the farm today, and has left his device with me while he sees to the bovine herd, they do not like canines, so I stay away. But I am restless and I wish to make new friends, while I can talk. We can play fetch or we can run or we can take a walk. I can run very fast and fly even faster so no matter how far you throw a ball, or high you throw a frisbee, I will catch it.