Multiverse of Madness Network


Layout By

September 8th, 2021



Network: Donna Noble

Hello, everybody. I would like let you know, The Noble Queen & Sparrow will now simply be called Sally's.

If anybody has an excess of free time and would like a job, I'm looking for a barista or two. We can discuss days and hours, very flexible.

[Filter: Science team]
You have been working really hard. If you're willing to take a break, you can have a coffee or tea and a treat on the house. If you can't take a break, I will drop some off for you once I close the shop for the day. Let me know what you would like.

[Filter: Catherine Pinkerton]
I offered the science team some of the baked goods. I'll pay for them. I've got enough put back to cover it.



...Has anyone seen Dick?

Went to go home finally to pick up some things and he never showed up. I thought he just went out but... His rats weren't fed this morning when I checked on them either (they are now). He always takes care of them. there was no PONG alert.



[Natasha, Bucky, Kate]

I have Clint with me. Managed to talk him down from committing serious liver damage. He's safe, we're in my room.

Can I switch out my shift tomorrow for another day? I won't be leaving him while he's still working through the news.



WandaVision Wedding Invite.

[All residents in the facility, Little Wakanda, and New Asgard receive an invitation]

Read more... )



netpost: sam wilson

[Sarah Wilson]
So what's the deal with this Walker guy? You know anything about him?



Network: Val de Fontaine

So, what's a gal got to do for a good latte around here?

I just saw the guy in the room across from me drinking out of an entire coffee pot.



...has anyone seen Scott? Scott Lang? We had breakfast this morning, and we were supposed to meet up later, and...



P.O.N.G system alert

09/08/2021 P.O.N.G. System alert16:45 hours [video of the one returning home]

Scott Lang

Devices disconnected.




trigger warning for medical talk? )



netpost: melissa gold

sometime after this
[SHIELD types]
I could really, really do with something to do. I don't care if it's mind-numbingly boring.