Multiverse of Madness Network


Layout By

June 2nd, 2021



NETWORK: Christine Palmer

Are there any rules or regulations regarding the Med Bay? The few times I've been in there have been brief but I'd like to get a better look at some things. Get a lay of the land if we're expected to be here for a while.



Network; Clark Kent

Thank you for providing food and shelter since my arrival. I’m incredibly grateful to everyone. The new apartment is very similar to my first place in Metropolis and it almost feels like home.

Would it be possible for me to have one of the non-biometric access cards? I’d appreciate it if my DNA was also erased. I’ve been cloned before on my own earth and I really would rather it didn’t happen again. I’m actually surprised your systems could read it at all, being unknown in this corner of the multiverse.



Hello. My name is Vivian Vision. I am new here.

I will be doing my best to remain in my human appearance and not phase through walls, I understand that it can make people uncomfortable. I will be as normal as possible.

Thank you.



[Filtered to Tony, Pepper, T’Challa, Carol, Loki]

Since we have been back, I have taken my advisors to see the land that Tony has graciously given us. We have draft ideas to begin building houses along the shore there, there will be room for other refugees there too-- I believe having midgardians in New Asgard will assist my people in adapting to their new surroundings.

We intend to build houses, duplexes even, along the shore and even out into the water. I have some builders, and we can start next week, but I anticipate that if we hire more midgardians or refugees to help us, we could get this done quicker. Loki and I have been considering selling some of the trinkets that we have from our homeworld to fund this endeavor.

Any questions?



Talked to Bruce, he's okay with me going the GED route and finishing and the internship.

Uh. Hey, Tony said to talk to you about schooling?



Oh, wow. This isn't my first experience with alternate worlds but this is definitely new! Also, this is a pretty fancy set up you've got here!

My name is Kara Danvers. I'm from National City, but I'm not from there, originally. I'm a from a planet called Krypton. It was destroyed when I was thirteen years old. I was sent to Earth in a pod to protect my baby cousin, Kal-El, but it knocked off course, and when I finally arrived on Earth, I was still thirteen, and my cousin was all grown up and making a name for himself as a hero and protector of Earth.

Earth's yellow sun grants me a lot of special powers and abilities that come naturally to my species when we're on a planet with yellow sun radiation. Normally, I wouldn't share this with people I've just met, but from what I was told when I was arrived, I've been told that there's a lot of people here, with all kinds of different abilities, so I feel comfortable saying this. I've spent years learning to master my powers, and I can guarantee that I have them completely under control.

And one more thing, back where I'm from, I'm a hero known as Supergirl. I've saved the world and the multiverse a couple of times, either by myself, with my family, or with my friends. I'd like to still help here, too. I don't like the idea of just sitting by waiting around while I'm here, and I've been told that there's a team that helps with similar things, so I'd maybe like to join them, if possible? But I understand not trusting someone from another universe that's just arrived, so if I need to take it slow, and just stick to helping out around some other way, I can.

But yeah! Thanks to everyone for their hospitality and being so welcoming to me. I hope to make friends with all of you!



Netpost; Ray Palmer

It feels good to be back on earth, even if real gravity is a little odd after the artificial stuff. I made a friend while I was away. Other than my shipmates, I mean. Trying to coax him out of his spacesuit is taking longer than I thought it would, but I can’t wait for him to stretch his legs and enjoy a good walk around the grounds.

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