Multiverse of Madness Network


Layout By

April 30th, 2021



DM ➡️ Wally West (Hella early in the am)

📨 So I'm going a little out of my mind here.
📨 When you said you love me. Was that platonic? Or, y'know, more?
📨 I would ask in person but it always seems to bug me in the middle of the night when you're running or chewing in your sleep.
📨 This way I don't have to wake you.




My name is Poe Dameron. I have never heard of this planet, but I've been informed I'm stuck here so I figured I should introduce myself.

Rey? I heard you're here with BB-8. I have D-O with me and apparently we're roommates.




I heard there's a couple of nerds I know here.



yeah yeah i got the whole crash course about this place. it looks the same but it's different and blah blah blah

i want a burger. where do i get a burger??



Network: Mantis

Hello. I am Mantis.

Is this really Earth? Does anyone know Peter Quill?