Multiverse of Madness Network


Layout By

April 29th, 2021



Network Diana Prince

Particularly to Tony

In talking with people, I remembered something. I was returning to Eddie in our room. I heard him in the room. Then the lights fluttered, I turned the knob. He was gone.



I've noticed that we've recently gotten a decent sized group of new arrivals. First off, I would like to say welcome, and to introduce myself. For those that don't know, I'm Wanda Maximoff, and I'm one of the Avengers. If there's anything that you need, please don't hesitate to ask me, and I will try my best to assist you.

Second, as there is now a pretty good group of us arriving, I was thinking that it might be a good idea for us to maybe do something that would bring people together and make it a little bit easier to settle in, especially since it can be frightening to suddenly find yourself in a new place like this. I know that Darcy has a game night in the works, but would anyone maybe be interested in doing something Sunday dinners? I don't mind cooking for a large group of people, but maybe someone could take turn making the entre, and then the rest of us could help out with side dishes. Or we could do something along the lines of potluck, where everyone makes a dish, and we all partake.

I would also be willing to teach anyone who's maybe interested in learning how to cook, as it is a pretty useful skill to have.



Network: Tony Stark

So, we lost a few people if you all don't already know. Natasha Romanoff, Eddie Diaz, Sam Winchester, and Grace Ryder went missing. Not sure what happened, trying to figure it out.

We know there was a surge from the portals. They were all in different parts of the facility. One second they were here, the next they're not.

Currently, the theory is this is a similar event to what brought them here in the first place. This means, hopefully, they're back home...

Except Natasha is..

So I'm taking the weekend off. Darcy's in charge of portal things. Pepper's still around for updates, I think.

If it's an emergency, Pepper knows how to reach me.


Don't think I didn't notice the setup, by the way. Nice. But sneaky.

[T'Challa, Steve, and Natasha (added later)]

We're gonna need a bigger boat. I was thinking we could meet this weekend to talk about it? At this rate, I don't know if we can rely on fixing this anytime soon.

Oh, and uh, Steve mentioned fessing up to the government about what we have. But I don't want to do that without some kind of protection for our side.



Network - Diana Prince

I plan on exploring Gotham one more time, even if I feel like it's not my Gotham. Does anyone want me to bring something back?

If anyone wants to come along you are welcome.



Finished and turned in my last paper.

Now I just have to take my AP exams, then finals, then I'm done. I can't believe I'm almost done.



I've been told I should get on this device and post more of my thoughts in order to communicate with other people on here. I'm not entirely sure what to say about what has been happening, but I think I can sum up my most recent thoughts in one sentence:

I don't like losing friends without having a chance to say goodbye.

I feel a bit useless--I wish there was more I can do. This isn't the kind of thing a person can punch.

I can punch a punching bag, though. I'll be in the gym if anyone needs me.