Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
23rd June 2009 08:05 - Art: Remaining Time (Luna Lovegood/Ginny Weasley, R)
Title: Remaining Time.
Artist: [info]remeciel
Media: Pencils and Photoshop CS3.
Characters: Luna Lovegood and Ginny Weasley.
Rating: R.
Warnings: None.
Themes/kinks chosen: Body painting.
Artist's notes: I was thinking about Luna being top, but... the other way around was much more interesting. :)
Remaining Time )
5th June 2009 10:18 - Fic: Living Art (Dean/Luna, NC-17)
Title: Living Art
Author: [info]alisanne
Characters: Dean Thomas/Luna Lovegood
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: er... het rarepair?
Themes/kinks chosen: Body Painting
Word Count: 2550
Summary: Apparently Dean does his best work when he's distracted.
Author's notes: I'm not sure where this bunny came from, but one mustn't argue with the muse, right? Thanks, as always, to [info]sevfan for looking this over for me.
Disclaimer: The characters contained herein are not mine. No money is being made from this fiction, which is presented for entertainment purposes only.

Living Art )
3rd June 2009 08:10 - [art] Size Matters
Title: Size Matters
Artist: [info]clayangel
Media: Gimp/Photoshop
Characters: Luna, Giant Squid
Rating: R
Warnings: Bestiality
Themes/kinks chosen: Coitus a unda aka undinism: sex in/under water
Art preview:

Not Worksafe )
19th April 2009 01:00 - Art: This Evening's Entertainment (Luna/Pansy) R
Title: This Evening's Entertainment
Characters: Luna/Pansy
Kink:sex shows
Rating: R
Summary:The Dark Lord always has an eye for new talent.....

This Evening's Entertainment )
26th December 2008 14:13 - Art: Fairy Lights & Wine, R
Title: Fairy Lights & Wine
Artist: [info]ghot
Characters: Luna/Ginny/Hermione
Rating: R
Warnings: Threesome, exhibitionism, drunkenness, boobs
Themes/kinks chosen: Exhibitionism
A/N: For [info]magic_at_mungos. Sorry for it not being very porny (and for the chibis), but I wanted to draw this style and... it kicked my ass. Anyway, I hope you like. Happy holidays!

Fairy Lights & Wine )
4th December 2008 05:58 - FIC: Sweet Kisses
Title: Sweet Kisses
Author: [info]iamisaac
Characters: Luna/Ginny
Rating: soft R (and believe me, I had to work really damn hard for it even to be that)
Warnings: EWE
Themes/kinks chosen:
Kinky Kristmas Extravaganza 2008
Character/Pairing: Luna/any female character
Kink: kissing
Holiday item or location: Christmas punch/egg-nog
Tone: fluffy or kinky
Word Count: ~2000
Summary: Ginny and Luna are friends. There's never been a hint of anything more, before today.
Author's notes: I am almost ashamed to post something so very undeviant. Apologies if anyone feels as if they have eaten too many sweets and want to puke because of the saccharine nature of this story. I appear to have mislaid my inner dark, depressing cynic.

Sweet Kisses )
31st July 2008 12:00 - FIC: A Romance of Maths (NC-17; Luna/Severus; 2373 words)
Title: A Romance of Maths
Author: [info]iulia_linnea
Characters: Luna Lovegood, Severus Snape
Rating: NC-17
Theme/Kinks Chosen: courtship/lingerie, loss of virginity, oral sex
Word Count: 2373
Summary: Sometimes courtship requires a bit of calculation.
Author's Notes: This piece is new, but it was inspired by an old ficlet of mine. Thank you, [info]fbowden, [info]florahart and [info]fodirteg, for beta'ing.

A Romance of Maths )
8th July 2008 17:27 - Art: Ladies, R
Title: Ladies
Artist: [info]ghot
Media: Photoshop
Characters: Luna/Hermione
Rating: R
Warnings: Femmeslash, lacing, fingering,
Themes/kinks chosen: Lacing (corset-piercing)
Artist's notes: I'm being allowed to post this today because I forgot to post in my day, the 3rd. Argh, I'm so sorry, mods! *clears throat* Anyway, I drew this one because I like the pairing and because I hardly ever draw females... still got a lot to practice. ^_^;

Ladies )
22nd June 2008 00:56 - Fic: Quite the Education (Lucius/Severus/Luna/Ginny, NC-17)
Title: Quite the Education
Author: [info]alisanne
Characters: Lucius Malfoy/Severus Snape/Luna Lovegood/Ginny Weasley
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Chan (Luna and Ginny are 17), anal, oral.
Themes/kinks chosen: Orgy
Word Count: ~5800
Summary: While Harry is off wandering about the countryside, Ginny decides she needs to get a different sort of education.
Author's notes: Thanks to the Vegas girls for their hand-holding and encouragement, as well to [info]sevfan for the use of her excellent beta reading skills. As always, nothing you recognize is mine.

Quite the Education )
7th March 2008 00:37 - Fic: "Inventive" (Percy/Luna, NC17)
Title: Inventive
Author: [info]florahart
Characters: Percy/Luna
Rating: NC17
Warnings: object penetration; uh, misleadingness? Also, PWP, and Luna is possibly kind of a sluttariffic (in the very best possible sense...) nymphomaniac.
Themes/kinks chosen: penetration toys
Word Count: 1650
Summary: Luna really, really likes to make Percy come. Percy isn't complaining.
Author's notes: I was going somewhere completely different with this. And then, apparently, I wasn't.

Inventive )
11th January 2008 02:29 - Showgirls!
Title: Showgirls
Author: [info]kabal42
Characters: Ginny/Pansy (with a side of Luna/Gabrielle)
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Explicit sex, some spanking and the premise of two D/s relationships
Themes/kinks chosen: Brothels, candaulism, face-slapping, love, oral sex, public sex – all under the "everything old is new".
Word Count: 3116
Summary: Ginny decides to full-fill one of Pansy's fantasies – and one of her own.
Author's notes: It's short, smutty and almost devoid of plot, so enjoy the sexy, confident women in here for what they are.
I blame the fascination for Luna/Gabrielle entirely on sweetcaroleanne for whom I wrote the pairing at [info]harry_holidays. It grew on me!

Showgirls! )
16th December 2007 22:19 - Fic: "In Which Seamus and Dean Miss Each Other and Check Out Girls," NC-17
Title: In Which Seamus and Dean Miss Each Other and Check Out Girls
Author: [info]wook77 and [info]green_amber
Characters: Seamus, Lavender, Dean, Luna
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: voyeurism, wanking
Themes/kinks chosen: Kinky Kollab!
Word Count: 3206
Summary: Eh, the title pretty much says it all. ;)
Author's notes: Thanks and ♥ to [info]wook77 for being such an awesome writing buddy (*hums Twilight Zone theme again*), and [info]misfit_ragdoll for the hand-holding.

In Which Seamus and Dean Miss Each Other and Check Out Girls )
5th December 2007 16:35 - Fic and Art: Something New (Luna/Padma/Parvati, NC-17)
Title: Something New
Authors and Artist: [info]alisanne, [info]celandineb and [info]twilightsorcery.
Characters: Luna Lovegood/Padma Patil/Parvati Patil
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: femmeslash, twincest. ;)
Themes/kinks chosen: Kinky Kollaboration!
Word Count: 2664
Summary: Padma discovers that her sister has found a unique way to escape the dangers of Hogwarts.
Author's notes: This story is set at Hogwarts during DH.
Art Preview:

Something New )
21st November 2007 13:43 - ART: The Witch-Queen (Luna)
Title: The Witch-Queen
Artist: [info]twilightsorcery
Media: photoshop
Characters: Luna Lovegood
Rating: R
Warnings: none
Themes/kinks chosen: Luna Lovegood turns out to be the heir of Ravenclaw.
Artist's notes: I promise this makes sense. See, Luna puts on the re-created Ravenclaw diadem, and the dirigible plum tells her that she should revive the old ways--by painting herself with woad and hanging out on wolf pelts.

...okay, maybe not so much with the sense-making. ;)

This portrait is based on the witch who appears briefly in the Sandman: Endless Nights Desire story. She spends her entire cameo naked, painted, and utterly comfortable that way, which was just what I wanted for Luna as the Heir.

Art preview:

5th November 2007 00:17 - Lessons in Hornyculture (Various, NC-17)
Title: Lessons in Hornyculture
Author: [info]alisanne
Characters: Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy, Severus Snape/Luna Lovegood, Dean Thomas/Seamus Finnigan, Neville Longbottom/Bill Weasley (implied)
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Elements of crack, public sex, anal, oral, slash, het.
Themes/kinks chosen: Fake Spoiler: The trophy room turns out to have an entirely new meaning: Den of Love!
Word Count: ~2920
Summary: An experiment of Neville's goes awry.
Author's notes: Thanks, as always, to [info]sevfan.

Lessons in Hornyculture )
21st September 2007 12:47 - Art: When the castle's asleep (you can do whatever you like) (Luna/Ginny)
Title: When the Castle's Asleep (You Can Do Whatever You Like)
Artist: [info]twilightsorcery
Media: Photoshop
Characters: Luna Lovegood/Ginny Weasley
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: See kinks!
Themes/kinks chosen: Please Your Mods--bondage and public sex
Artist's notes: *hugs all the mods*
Art preview:

7th September 2007 23:14 - Fic: Taking Their Comfort (Multiple, NC17)
Title: Taking Their Comfort
Author: [info]florahart
Characters: Percy, Oliver, Luna, Flitwick, Filch, Mrs Norris
Rating: NC17
Warnings: There's a cat. Luna's not 18.
Themes/kinks chosen: Public sex if you reckon multiple pairs in a room is public. Chan if you reckon chan = under 18 (and with a teacher). Bestiality, a bit. Also, there's voyeurism and taking of direction.
Word Count: ~1075
Summary: The battle's over, and Argus tries to go on rounds of what's left of the castle.
Author's notes:
A/N: So I thought today was the 6th much of the day. I'd intended to write love, but it's getting late, so instead you get something else entirely. Though of course, Argus does love his cat.

Taking Their Comfort )
31st August 2007 15:33 - Fic: Luna Lovegood and the Very Naughty Stories (Luna, Various, NC-17)
Title: Luna Lovegood and the Very Naughty Stories
Author: [info]emiime
Characters: Luna Lovegood, with mentions of Harry/Draco, Harry/Ron, Cedric/Oliver, Percy/Oliver, Percy/Cedric, Remus/Cedric, Remus/Oliver, Remus/Bill, Remus/Charlie, Remus/Percy, Remus/Fred, Remus/George, Remus/Ron, and Remus/Kingsley…whew.
Rating: R
Warnings: The pairings list is a bit frightful—if you can get past that I think you can handle this.
Kinks chosen: Gay men. (And how.)
Word Count: 1613
Summary: Luna is a writer, and good writers take inspiration from their daily lives.
Author's notes: Oh, come on. You know you've considered this, too. …No? Just me? …All right, then. I'll just be here in my corner. Originally posted to LJ on 5/9/07.

Luna smiled to herself and began to write… )
31st August 2007 22:13 - Seven veils of sin
Originally posted 10th April, 2007

Title: Seven veils of sin
Author: [info]kabal42
Characters: Luna, Tonks, Harry, Ron
Rating: R
Warnings: Girl/girl action, staring boys and a bit of drunkenness (though not really drinking)
Kinks chosen: Bell-dancing, lesbians
Word Count: 1412
Summary: Too slightly inebriated girls decide to surprise two ditto boys. Nakedness, dancing and fun ensues.
Author's notes: I owe [info]elfflame big time. If either of us wanted it, or could, I'd have her babies.
This is f-locked for the moment due to the uncertain statements in LJ's policies

Veils within )
31st August 2007 22:01 - Make my heart sing
Originally posted 10th January, 2007

Title: Make my heart sing
Author: [info]kabal42
Characters: Luna/Pansy
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: (Apart from the obvious ones) strap-on dildos, a bit of alcohol, changing point of view
Kinks chosen: Squick your mod: cross-dressing
Word Count: 1994
Summary: Luna wants to dress up just like on film
Author's notes: Thanks to [info]elfflame for help with the bunny and the beta; thanks to the muse of music and thanks to R.A.B. (R.A. Baileys, that is) for inspiration.
P.S. Virtual cookies to anyone who knows artist + title of all the songs mentioned below.

Make my heart sing )
1st November 2006 08:25 - Art: The Picnic, Hermione/Luna, NC-17
Title: The Picnic
Artist: [info]twilightsorcery
Media: Photoshop
Characters: Hermione Granger/Luna Lovegood
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: crazy Rococco background, not colored, squid in the background yay!
Kinks chosen: outdoor sex, masturbation, strap-ons
Artist's notes: This is the *fourth* incarnation of this piece. I'd get just about done every time, and then I'd want to stab myself (due to anatomy wtf) and have to start over. So it's not colored. Sorry. Maybe later.


posting late (again!) with modly permission
22nd December 2006 16:32 - Happy Kristmas, [info]kabal42
Title: Hot For Teacher
Author: [info]misfit_ragdoll
Characters: Luna Lovegood/Nymphadora Tonks/Ginny Weasley
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Femmeslash
Kinks chosen: cunnilingus, spanking, dominance (if you squint), sex toys, threesomes, costumes, role-playing, light humiliation
Word Count: 4000
Summary: It's summer and school is out, but someone is missing it. Fortunately, the school uniforms are still around and naughty students get in trouble.
Author's notes: For my darling [info]kabal42 who asked for the above prompt featuring two or more of the following girls: Ginny, Luna, Pansy, Hermione, Tonks. Who knows, maybe Pansy and Hermione come over to play sometimes too? Much thanks to [info]katesque for inspiration, encouragement and reminding me that it’s OWLs, not NEWTs, [info]r_grayjoy for her continued beta services and Eddie Izzard for the naming of things.

Little girl from Cherry Lane, how did you get so bold? )
26th August 2007 20:06 - Fic: Il Ravanello's Apprentice, Dean/Luna, R
Author: [info]green_amber
Theme/kink: AU
Warnings: painfully vanilla
Rating: R
Word Count: 2851
Compliant to: Nothing at all!

The rest of the information for this story may contain DH spoilers, except it doesn't. Click the cut for full header and fic. )
22nd June 2007 21:08 - Red Light District
Title: Red Light District
Artist: [info]freckles42
Media: ink and photoshop
Characters Ginny Weasley, Morag MacDougal, Luna Lovegood
Rating: PG-13 (omg how did that happen?)
Warnings: NWS. Also, monkeys and pasties.
Themes/kinks chosen: Brothels
Disclaimer: All characters portrayed are at least 18 years of age. None of the characters herein belong to me, all are JKR's, who is nice enough to let us play in her sandbox.
Artist's notes: I just couldn't help myself when I saw that a choice was brothels. In Amsterdam, the Red Light District has full windows that allow you to see the occupants as they put themselves on display. I figured a wizarding RLD might turn out the same - just cut out of a Tudor-style building. And, of course, a monkey is an old Victorian code for "prostitute." Luna likes her monkey. She says it keeps the wrackspurts away. I like how Morag's plopped her tits on the windowsill for all to enjoy. This month's art was hard to get in, since I don't have a scanner anymore and my tablet DIED. Of course! Anyway, I hope you all like it!
Art preview:
Roooooxanne! )
22nd April 2007 21:04 - Art: Radishes and Red Hair - by freckles42 - Ron/Luna
Title: Radishes and Red Hair
Artist: [info]freckles42
Media: pen, paper, photoshop cs2
Characters Ron Weasley, Luna Lovegood
Rating: R (NWS)
Warnings: None, actually.
Themes/kinks chosen: Marquis de Sade
Disclaimer: All characters portrayed are at least 18 years of age. None of the characters herein belong to me, all are JKR's, who is nice enough to let us play in her sandbox.
Artist's notes: They're both wearing period wigs, hence why they both have that slight Malfoy look at first glance. But I promise you, Narcissa would never wear radishes in her hair. Take note of Ron's orange pubes and eyebrows... I particularly like Luna's slightly disinterested look while Ron puts it to her. She's reading 120 Days of Sodom. Those are her knickers around her knees, and she is using a prayer bench (HA) to get up to the proper height for Ron to gain access. There is something delightfully wrong with that. I hope y'all enjoy!
Art preview:

Oh, Ronald, don't dally... )
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