Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
Banging Birthday Art: An Artist's Touch (Blaise/Lily Luna) 
5th April 2016 12:00
Birthday Wish Fulfilled for: [info]nightfalltwen
From: A Masterful Member

Title: An Artist's Touch
Characters/Pairings: Blaise Zabini/Lily Luna Potter
Rating: R
Kinks/Themes Included: Adultery, crossgen, fingering, first time, erotic art
Other Warnings/Content: /
Artist's Notes: The prompt was: "Slytherin Male/Nextgen girl - The ad stated: "Artist seeks model for portrait work. Long hours. Ample compensation. Apply by owl." It seemed like a good idea." I immediately knew what I wanted to do with this but it took a long time for me to figure out how to do that. I was also undecided about who the Slytherin Male should be, and kept going back and forth between Theodore Nott and Blaise. Then I started over with the whole thing about a week before the deadline and ended up finishing this in just a couple of days. I'm really happy with the result, and I hope you like it too, anon! :)
Art Preview:

5th April 2016 20:23

God, this is just insanely gorgeous! I love the way you told this story with the different panels, and the whole thing is just extremely sensual and seductive. The color palette you used here is really lovely, and man, I'm just in love with it all!
26th May 2016 17:38
Awww, thank you! It was so much fun to work on. I tried something different with the color palette (because it just looked TOO colourful when I used "regular" colors), so I'm glad that worked! :D
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