Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
Kinky Kristmas 2015: Comment Kink Edition! 
30th December 2015 00:34
Greetings and welcome to
Kinky Kristmas 2015: Comment Kink Edition!

Our members have made requests for stocking stuffers that would help make their holidays happy -- and kinky, of course! Now you all -- both members and watchers -- have the opportunity to play Santa and fulfill those requests. In the form of comment kink!

Please read the information and instructions before you start stuffing our silk stockings:

• Request fills must be a minimum of 200 words (if fic) or a sketch equivalent (if art). Fills certainly need not be long (that would sort of be defeating the point of low-stress comment pr0n!); we just want to see a little bit of substance and thought in our stocking stuffers. ;)
• Since fills will mostly be short, we're not going to be strictly policing the rating of each piece. Just remember this is Daily Deviant and we want to see some sex!
• Each request may be filled twice -- once by a member and once by a watcher.
• When filling a request, leave it in a comment directly in a reply to the request you're filling.
• When filling a request, note whether you're filling it as a watcher or a member.
• If you are now or have ever been a posting member of Daily Deviant, you'll be filling the requests as a member.
• Claiming of requests is available but optional. What this means is that you need not claim a request in order to fill it, but if it's already claimed by someone else, it's off limits.
• In order to claim a request, comment directly in a reply to the request stating that you're claiming it. Be sure to note whether you're claiming it as a member or a watcher.
• Since we want as many goodies in our fishnet stockings as possible, there will be an expiration date on claims. One week after a claim is made (as per the time stamp on the comment), if the prompt has not been filled, the claim expires and the prompt is open for claiming or filling by someone else. So if a prompt you really love appears to be taken, remember to check back (although we hope you'll be following and playing along all month long!).
• If you've made a claim that has expired, you may still post a fill in reply to the prompt as long as no one else fills it or claims it first.
• Participants may have a total of two outstanding claims at a time. I.e., you may claim two requests, then when you've filled one, you may claim a third, etc.
• Additional prompts will continue to appear. So if you don't find a prompt you really love, remember to check back (although we hope you'll be following and playing along all month long!).
Commenting, interacting, and generally having fun is welcome and encouraged!! Fandom is all about interaction with like-minded perverts people. Let's enjoy some friendly, smutty holiday merry-making! ;D

Got all that? Okay, good! Now...

(Pun totally intended, naturally...)
26th November 2015 15:24 - Ron/Draco
Please stuff my stocking with:
Kink(s): wanting someone you don't want to want, wondering how you got yourself into this situation, lust overcoming brain function
Coal (AKA Squicks): romantic love, non-con (dub-con fine)
Prompt: "Since when did I have the hots for Draco bloody Malfoy?"
Re: Ron/Draco - Anonymous
Re: Ron/Draco - Anonymous
27th November 2015 00:51 - Draco / (Ron or Ginny or LilyLuna or AlbusSeverus) - freckles
Please stuff my stocking with:
Draco/Ron, Draco/Ginny, Draco/Lily Luna, Draco/Albus Severus
Kink(s): freckles, body painting
Coal (AKA Squicks): scat, felching, sounding, golden showers, character death
Prompt: Draco has a thing for his partner's freckles. He likes to paint them with his fingers and his tongue and whatever happens to be handy.
27th November 2015 00:58 - Neville / (Draco or Charlie) - submission
Please stuff my stocking with:
Neville/Draco or Neville/Charlie or Neville/another trio era male
Kink(s): Dominant!Neville/submissive!other (with optional orgasm delay, praise kink, object insertion, bondage)
Coal (AKA Squicks): scat, felching, golden showers, character death
Prompt: He's always been a Dominant and a top until he met Neville. Basically, I'd love to see anything where someone who is very dominant becomes Neville's perfect submissive.
28th November 2015 05:10 - Charlie/Teddy first time
Please stuff my stocking with:
Kink(s): First times, anal, rimming
Coal (AKA Squicks): Chan, dub or non con
Prompt: It's a time of new beginnings. First time, at something, for one of them -- go obvious or go creative.

28th November 2015 05:13 - Minerva/Poppy
Please stuff my stocking with:
Kink(s): Romance, desperate sex, cunnilingus, fingering
Coal (AKA Squicks): Dub con, non con
Prompt: Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the castle...
28th November 2015 05:14 - Remus/Sirius, Lie Low at Lupins
Please stuff my stocking with:
Kink(s): Kissing
Coal (AKA Squicks): Dub con, non con
Prompt: Second chances don't come around every day.
29th November 2015 14:10 - Het Pairing (see Character options below) - men in lingerie/heels
Please stuff my stocking with:
any het combination of (Harry, Ron, Neville, Draco, Seamus, Dean) and (Lavender, Hermione, Lily Luna, Pansy, Millicent) and threesomes or moresomes are happily welcome too
Kink(s): men in frilly knickers, stockings, heels (women in suits would be a bonus)
Coal (AKA Squicks): scat, golden showers, character death, felching
Prompt: It's a night out, and no one can see what he's wearing under his formal wear. But she (or they) gets to unwrap it when they get home (or maybe sooner *wicked grins*).
29th November 2015 20:14 - Harry/Draco, Draco wears a corset
Please stuff my stocking with:
Kink(s): Draco in a corset!
Coal (AKA Squicks): for this prompt, top!Draco
Prompt: Maybe he catches Harry's eye in a bar and they find a place to have one off (at the crowded bar, in the loo, after Apparating to one of their flats, on the dancefloor, etc).
29th November 2015 20:15 - James Sirius/Albus Severus, massage
Please stuff my stocking with:
James Sirius/Albus Severus
Kink(s): massage
Coal (AKA Squicks): can't think of any
Prompt: It was supposed to be innocent.
Re: Member - Anonymous
29th November 2015 20:16 - Ron/Lily Luna, anal sex
Please stuff my stocking with:
Ron/Lily Luna
Kink(s): anal sex
Coal (AKA Squicks): for this, femmedom
Prompt: During the family Christmas party. \o/
... - Anonymous
30th November 2015 22:18 - Blaise/female, step-siblings
Please stuff my stocking with:
Blaise Zabini/female character
Kink(s): Author's choice!
Coal (AKA Squicks): None
Prompt: Step-siblings, a bet
30th November 2015 22:27 - Lavender/male, pegging
Please stuff my stocking with:
Kink(s): Pegging
Coal (AKA Squicks): None
Prompt: No one would ever suspect
1st December 2015 05:53
Please stuff my stocking with:
Dudley Dursley and any character
Kink(s): candy cane figging
Coal (AKA Squicks):
1st December 2015 19:19 - Pairing: Severus/Sirius Kink: Spanking
Please stuff my stocking with:
Kink(s):Spanking(non-consensual preferred but consensual is fine just make it hurt)fingering, unexpected arousal(for either or both), light bondage, begging, use of household implements, tears always a plus!
Coal (AKA Squicks):Rape, BDSM implements, mentions of past or present relationships with other characters, character bashing.
Prompt:They're at the end of their tether and decide to take out their frustrations on a handy target.
1st December 2015 19:20 - Pairing: Sirius/Regulus Kink: Mutual Masturbation
Please stuff my stocking with:
Pairing(s)/Character(s): Sirius/Regulus
Kink(s): Mutual masturbation, drowsy/sleepy sex, frottage
Coal (AKA Squicks): either character being sexually experienced, character bashing, non-con
Prompt: The middle of the night lends plausible deniability.
1st December 2015 19:22 - Pairing: Severus/Sirius Kink: Rimming
Please stuff my stocking with:
Pairing(s)/Character(s): Marauder-Era Severus/Sirius
Kink(s): Rimming, First time, frottage, a little dub-con wouldn't be remiss.
Coal (AKA Squicks): non-con, mentions of prior sexual partners/overly sexually experienced characters, character bashing
Prompt: A boy's first rimjob.
2nd December 2015 05:08 - Minerva/Pansy, corporal punishment
(Now with proper subject line...)

Please stuff my stocking with:
Pairing(s)/Character(s): Minerva/Pansy
Kink(s): corporal punishment
Coal (AKA Squicks):
Prompt: Someone's on the naughty list this year
2nd December 2015 05:11 - Severus/Draco or Harry/Draco; blood play
Please stuff my stocking with:
Severus/Draco or Harry/Draco
Kink(s): blood play
Coal (AKA Squicks):
The holly bears a berry
As red as any blood;
And Mary bore sweet Jesus Christ
To do poor sinners good.
6th December 2015 20:45 - Ginny/Pansy - humiliation
Please stuff my stocking with:
Kink(s): humiliation with the receiver REALLY into it, D/s, glove fetish, dirty talk
Coal (AKA Squicks):gore, scat
Prompt: Kink as a catharsis (totally optional tbh)
6th December 2015 20:50 - Blaise/Pansy - exhibitionism
Please stuff my stocking with:
Kink(s): exhibitionism, toys, orgasm control, collar, fetish
Coal (AKA Squicks):gore, scat, chan, noncon
Prompt: Power couple who can't keep their hands off each other, possibly because they're huge show-offs.
6th December 2015 20:59 - Daphne/Pansy + Millicent - voyeurism
Please stuff my stocking with:
Daphne/Pansy + Millicent
Kink(s):voyeurism, exhibitionism on Daphne/Pansy's part if you wish, face-sitting, hair-pulling, light D/s
Coal (AKA Squicks): gore, scat
Prompt: Millicent knows she shouldn't spy on them, but she can't help herself.
(Feel free to turn this into a full-on threesome if you like)
7th December 2015 15:46 - Harry/Remus or Harry/Sirius: First Time
Please stuff my stocking with:
Harry Potter/Sirius Black OR Harry Potter/Remus Lupin OR Harry/Sirius/Remus
Kink(s): First time
Coal (AKA Squicks): MPreg

- Trying to be quiet/other people in next room
- 'Need you now' first time

7th December 2015 15:56 - Sirius Black/James Potter: Infidelity
Please stuff my stocking with:
Sirius Black/James Potter
Kink(s): Infidelity
Coal (AKA Squicks): MPreg
Prompt: James has been seeing Lily for a while now, but he still can't forget the things he used to get up to with Sirius Black who, incidentally, is looking better than ever

7th December 2015 15:59 - Hermione Granger/Percy Weasley: Sapiophilia
Please stuff my stocking with:
Hermione Granger/Percy Weasley
Kink(s): Sapiophilia (sexual attraction to intelligence)
Coal (AKA Squicks): Preg related kink
Prompt: Hermione Granger really likes a man who knows his way around a good book.
20th December 2015 22:06
Better late than never!

Please stuff my stocking with:
Pairing(s)/Character(s): Narcissa/Pansy
Kink(s): humiliation, maybe a bit of dom/sub and/or dub-con
Coal (AKA Squicks): unusual bodily fluids
Prompt: Narcissa feeling up Pansy in semi-public, maybe teasing her during a dinner party or in dark corners at an event
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