Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
Kinky Kristmas Art: All the way home I'll be warm (Harry/Draco) 
10th December 2012 22:00
Kristmas Wish Fulfilled for: [info]celandineb
From: [info]phoenixacid

Title: All the way home I'll be warm
Characters/Pairings: Harry/Draco
Rating: NC-17
Kinks/Themes Included: UST, pre-blowjob, handjob, teasing
Other Warnings/Content: Penis!
Artist's Notes: Draco warming Harry up with a good rubbin' (before going in for the suckin') on a cold winter's night. I wasn't able to include more kinks that you've requested for, lovely prompter, but I hope this will be good enough. Have a wonderful December everyone!
Art Preview:

17th December 2012 02:33
Mmmm, I am sure warming up just looking at this! Thank you SO VERY MUCH, mystery artist, and my humblest apologies for my tardiness in saying so. RL kind of kicked my butt this past week, but still.

I love the gorgeous shading - black and white is so stunning - on Harry's pants, and the firm yet tender way that Draco touches him with both lips and hands. The hint of veins, there but subdued... delightful.

Thank you, thank you again - I feel extremely lucky to have received this gift! I love it!
18th December 2012 17:04
P.S. I'm terrible at telling whether art is originally digital or not, but if this is a physical piece of art, I'd potentially be interested in buying it from you, dear artist... ;-)
8th January 2013 15:32
It is a physical piece of drawing. Unfortunately, there are some pornography (postage) laws over here, so I won't be able to send the art. :(
8th January 2013 15:24
Eeeeee, thank you very much, lovely prompter, for your wonderful comment. I had a great time drawing this and I'm SO glad you enjoyed it. <33333
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