Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
Kinky Kristmas Art: One Down, Six To Go (Arthur/Bill) 
30th December 2011 12:00
Kristmas Wish Fulfilled for: [info]lilmisblack
From: [info]thilia

Title: One Down, Six To Go
Characters/Pairings: Arthur/Bill
Rating: NC-17
Kinks/Themes Included: Incest, cross-gen, blowjobs
Other Warnings/Content: /
Artist's Notes: Arthur has a bit of a special kink... and plans on working his way through all his boys... and girl ;) It was really hard to pick a pairing because I love all the Weasleys. But in the end, I went with Bill because... well, I'm not really sure why. If I'd had more time, I might have drawn all the pairings you requested, but since this was a pinch-hit, it wasn't possible. Hope you like it! :)
Art Preview:

31st December 2011 00:27
OMG this just...it's too hot for words, I love every bit of it, the freckles, their hair (oh, that hair!!) the expression on their faces, and the come on Bill's cock is just perfect and so dirty, and damn!!!
Thank you so, so much!! And I loved the summary, gotta love me some kinky Arthur :D Canon Arthur never sits completely right with me, cause he did father those children of his, so there's gotta be some wild in him, and I love seeing that, and when I look at this I just think: This is what really happened! This is what JK should've written about! LOL
So thank you, mistery artist, for this lovely gift made of win, it's so damn hot, and dirty, and wrong, and perfect ♥ Wish my comment could be more coherent, but I keep watching this, and imagining Arthur crossing the rest of the names off his list, and I'm afraid it's enough to kill my brain ded.
*goes back to stare at it some more*
8th January 2012 20:14
Yay! I'm so glad you like it! :D

Before drawing this, I never thought I could think of Arthur as... well, dirty and wild, but now I do *g* :D

And who knows, maybe I will end up drawing him and the other six as well! :D

Anyway - thank you!! <333
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