Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
Art: Never Got the Script (NWS) 
13th April 2011 00:30
Title: Never Got the Script
Artist: [info]akatnamedeaster
Media: pencil on recycled paper/Photoshop
Rating: R
Kinks/Themes Chosen:Bad Porn Month:A hapless delivery person is seduced by the residents of the house/flat, well it's an attempted seduction anyway
Other Warnings: nudity, 70's cliche's, pornstaches
Summary/Description: No one seems to have given Snape his copy of the script. Pity.
Artist's Notes: I really had a hard time coming up with an idea for this month but in the end this scrawl happened, it's a bit rough. Apologies for it being about as sexy as a hangnail.

13th April 2011 19:30
*cracks up* OMG, the pornstaches! They look perfectly awful and awfully perfect, ahaha. :D And both Sirius's and Remus's expressions and positions - so 70s bad porn cliche! :D *laughs more* The whole thing is hilarious and awesome!
15th April 2011 01:51
*G* Thanks, I'm glad you it made you laugh. :D
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