Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
Art: Never Got the Script (NWS) 
13th April 2011 00:30
Title: Never Got the Script
Artist: [info]akatnamedeaster
Media: pencil on recycled paper/Photoshop
Rating: R
Kinks/Themes Chosen:Bad Porn Month:A hapless delivery person is seduced by the residents of the house/flat, well it's an attempted seduction anyway
Other Warnings: nudity, 70's cliche's, pornstaches
Summary/Description: No one seems to have given Snape his copy of the script. Pity.
Artist's Notes: I really had a hard time coming up with an idea for this month but in the end this scrawl happened, it's a bit rough. Apologies for it being about as sexy as a hangnail.

13th April 2011 05:21
*Laughs hysterically*


Absolutely priceless!

*Giggle* *Hic*
15th April 2011 01:38
Thank you!
13th April 2011 05:40
heehee! oh poor - soon to be lucky!!! - snape! you made my (otherwise bad) morning today!!!

15th April 2011 01:39
*g* Or soon to be very unlucky Sirius and Remus, after all Snape does have his wand with him...both of them actually. ;)
13th April 2011 08:25
Pornstaches!!!! Bwahahahahahaha! Brilliant! :D
15th April 2011 01:39
Thanks very much. :)
13th April 2011 08:43
lol! *adores* the boys look cute with their pornstaches and i love snape here - and yeah, i realize that probably says a bit too much about me. :D
15th April 2011 01:40
Heee! Thanks, I have to say I think a pronstache definitely suits Sirius, he just seems like the type.
13th April 2011 09:45
No one seems to have given Snape his copy of the script. Pity.

YES, it is a pity! *lol* Oh this is golden! It made me lol, and I love the mustache and how *smug* Remus and Sirius are while Severus looks annoyed.

*hurries to give Snape a copy of the script*
15th April 2011 01:41
It is, he would make such a nice addition to this little group, although I doubt he would see it that way. ;)
13th April 2011 11:43

That's. Epic.

15th April 2011 01:42
:D Thank you!
13th April 2011 11:58
Hoooo hooooo boyyy. Took me a while to rip my eyes away from Sirius - the arse and the almost-nonchalant way he's holding his cock, juuuuuust out of our sight!! Unfff.

Lol the pornstaches ,and Severus-as-pizza-delivery-guy is so much win.
15th April 2011 01:43
Thank you. :) I'm glad you like how Sirius came out, I really wanted to give him a more realistic body type, I'm glad it's appealing.
13th April 2011 12:16
Hahahahaha, I love the pornstaches! Awesome.
15th April 2011 01:43
*L* Thanks!
13th April 2011 14:23
Pornstaches FTW!
15th April 2011 01:44
Your icon is cracking me up, Snape either looks like a porn actor circa 1976 or Zorro. I can't decide which. ;)
13th April 2011 14:59
Take the pornstache hint Severus!!! Perfect and hilarious!
15th April 2011 01:45
*g* Serious, it's like he's waiting for an engraved invitation. Thanks!
13th April 2011 15:39

I LOVE THIS! Severus looks so IC it's scary, Remus I can just imagine sprawled out with spread legs, and Sirius! He looks so cocky and sexy. And, OMG, I can so see them conspiring together.

"Trust me, Rem! A little stache, a little bow chicka wow wow, and old Snivelly will be putty in our hands!"

"Sirius, I doubt calling him Snivvely will put him in a shagging mood."

"... Oh, yeah, huh. Well, best strip off then, so he can see that just because we don't have a honker like his we're still hung!"

"Again, Sirius, speaking about him in that way is perhaps not synonymous with seduction."

"Just get nekkid, Rem! Even Severus cannot resist our killer pimpstaches, nekkidness and pizza together!"
13th April 2011 18:38
*snickers* i love your characterizations here. :D
15th April 2011 01:49
Me too! You just know that Sirius could be cocky and dopey enough to think that just might work and not get him hexed from hell to breakfast. ;P
13th April 2011 19:30
*cracks up* OMG, the pornstaches! They look perfectly awful and awfully perfect, ahaha. :D And both Sirius's and Remus's expressions and positions - so 70s bad porn cliche! :D *laughs more* The whole thing is hilarious and awesome!
15th April 2011 01:51
*G* Thanks, I'm glad you it made you laugh. :D
13th April 2011 21:14
15th April 2011 01:56
14th April 2011 02:06
Ahahahaha! OMG, the cheesy grins, the pornstaches and the unexpected NAKEDNESS! *dies* Poor Severus. *giggles insanely*
Too damn funny! :)
15th April 2011 01:56
*g* Thanks hon!
16th April 2011 16:22
Snork. I suspect the pizza is going to end up throw at Sirius. Very funny. LOVE your Severus!
16th April 2011 22:51
Thanks! And yes, it's a fair bet that pizza is going to end up on someone. :)
17th April 2011 22:23
Ahahaha! Fantastic and a great use of the porntaches :-D
18th April 2011 16:32
Thank you!
18th April 2011 08:51
Brilliant :) Hehe I especially like your Remus :D
18th April 2011 16:32
Thanks very much!
8th May 2011 22:50
I love it!
9th May 2011 15:23
Thanks. :)
14th July 2011 05:23
I think I just popped a few vertebra out of joint! Sniggering and snorting with laughter!
14th September 2011 12:19
Hahahaha! All the facial expressions and the dialogue are pure win :-D
14th September 2011 12:50
This is awesome. I love the '70's details (We're you around then also?); that 'Love' sign *snirk*, the incense and the stereo! Omg-the stereo was like the aphrodisiac of the decade. heh. What were we thinking?

So, Sev, coming or going? *nudge nudge wink wink*

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