Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
Kinky Kristmas Week Three Roundup and Recs Collection 
21st December 2010 01:00
Below the cut you'll find a list of all of the Kinky Kristmas fic and art that's been posted in the third week. The roundup from week one can be found here, and the roundup from week two can be found here.

In addition, we'd like to use this post as an opportunity to collect any recs that you haven't yet given us. If you could give us the names of the pieces recced and a link to the (unlocked) rec post that would be very much appreciated! So far we've gathered enough recs to send 16 pieces in for posting at the Daily Snitch!

Thank you once again, both members and watchers, for making Kinky Kristmas a smashing success so far. KK is currently up to an amazing 1022 comments! Comment dropoff has started to happen over the last few days (guess it's that time of the month. Er, although that didn't come out quite the way I intended), so I hope everyone plans to do some catching up over the holiday weekend. :)

There's more yet to come, so stay with us!

Art by Daily Deviant Members:

To the Victor (Draco/Ginny)
Nothings (Lupin/Snape)
Wish I could've been there (George/Angelina/Fred)
Unveiled (Severus/Sirius/Remus)

Fic by Daily Deviant Members:

Dance Lessons (Snape/Harry)
Acceptance (Luna/Percy)
Skin Deep (Charlie/Harry)
The Lost Boy (Neville/Ginny/Luna)
In the Bleak Mid-Winter (Severus/Minerva)
Tainted Love (Harry/Draco)
Better Than Dragons (Charlie/Scorpius)
How Lavender Brown Learned to Hate Christmas (and Love George Weasley) in Just Twelve Days (George/Lavender)
Chromatic (Minerva/Luna, Minerva/Tom, Minerva/Albus)
Cover Up (Kingsley/Ted, side Snape/Draco)

Fic by Daily Deviant Watchers:

Playing With Fire (Snape/Lupin, Snape/Lupin/Black)
You Belong to Me (Charlie/Asteria)
Tidings of Joy (Sirius/Severus)
Only Now I See the Light (Charlie/Scorpius)
All That's Best of Dark and Bright (Severus/Charlie, Harry/Charlie, Severus/Lucius, Harry/Severus/Lucius)
21st December 2010 21:10
I recced How Lavender Brown... here. :)
22nd December 2010 17:04
Excellent, thanks!
24th December 2010 11:33
I get so close to being caught up and then it just slips away. Sigh. I'm loving it though! Love this fest!

I recc'd the following here: http://ceredwensirius.livejournal.com/202326.html?#cutid2

Art - "Wish I could've been there", Unveiled

Fic - Only Now I See The Light, In The Bleak Mid-Winter,
Tainted Love, How Lavender Brown Learned to Hate Christmas (and Love George Weasley) in Just Twelve Days, Cover Up
25th December 2010 19:24
Wow! Thanks so much; you've been a reccing MACHINE! (Not to be confused with a wrecking machine...)
26th December 2010 08:54
I'm all caught up! And aww, thanks. Oh, and I've got more here: http://ceredwensirius.livejournal.com/203277.html
. *g*

Art - Merry Christmas, Darling, Giddy yap, giddy yap, giddy yap!

Fic - Solstice
26th December 2010 16:48
LOL! Thank you!
28th December 2010 04:15
I am once again caught up! Have some more recs! They can be found here: http://ceredwensirius.livejournal.com/friends/

Art - Break, Right Where I Want You

Fic - Trust in times of war
1st January 2011 07:42
I'm all caught up again! Thanks to a nasty chest cold that decided New Year's Eve was the perfect time to strike. Blech.

The recs are here: http://ceredwensirius.livejournal.com/204566.html

Art - Only My Touch, "you make a lovely gift, Harry"

Fic - Only One Word
1st January 2011 17:25
Got 'em all; thanks! And now you only have a couple more to read before it's all over! LOL

Ewwww, ill-timed cold for the lose. X(
26th December 2010 16:11

i posted recs for fics and art at
26th December 2010 16:52
Excellent, thank you!
26th December 2010 22:29
I recced Dance Lessons Here

28th December 2010 04:25
Hee, already spotted that one and had it on my list. :D
28th December 2010 04:27
Hehe, I saw 'em when you posted. ;D
28th December 2010 08:32
Hehe, I know. I am just so organised these days... :D
28th December 2010 03:22
Pssst... you should probably unlock it, if you don't mind. :0)
31st December 2010 20:43
29th December 2010 15:42
Psst, yes, what Snapelike said! We need the post to be unlocked in order to use the recs for newsletters and such. If you don't want to unlock, totally fine; just let us know if you do.
31st December 2010 20:45
Done! (lets just hope my family doesn't decide to look up my journal ;-)
31st December 2010 23:58
Fantastic; thank you! And LOL -- I hope not!
28th December 2010 04:10
I've rec'd a few more here.

Playing with Fire
Touch My Skin to Keep Me Whole
Cover Up
28th December 2010 04:26
Got 'em, thanks!
29th December 2010 15:36
Three more here

Strength to Carry On
Tonight We're Going to Party (Like it's 1999)
How Lavender Brown Learned to Hate Christmas (and Love George Weasley) in Just Twelve Days
29th December 2010 15:40
Hee, awesome! You've just given me the third rec for one of those. :D
28th December 2010 17:25
Whoops, I've been forgetting to do this. *irons hands*

Art recs:
To The Victor (Draco/Ginny)
A Rather Strong Argument (Snape/Narcissa)
...and to all a good night and Merry Christmas Git (Snape/Lupin/Sirius)
All here: http://snegurochka-lee.livejournal.com/298171.html

Fic recs:
The Love of Family (Draco/Scorpius)
On the Short Walk Home (Teddy/Scorpius)
Both here: http://snegurochka-lee.livejournal.com/298451.html

Fic rec:
Skin Deep (Charlie/Harry)
Here: http://snegurochka-lee.livejournal.com/298509.html

28th December 2010 19:31
Hee, thanks so much! ♥
29th December 2010 15:55
From the most recent week: http://ariadneelda.livejournal.com/117238.html
Right Where I Want You and Touch My Skin to Keep Me Whole. (Though I think I already saw the latter at the Snitch.)
29th December 2010 21:46
Oh, fantastic, thanks!
30th December 2010 14:18
I'm still damned organised. Also, I can't remember having read so much fic in ages.

Moar recs (which you have already seen :P)

30th December 2010 16:16
LOL! I actually hadn't seen them yet, but only because I looked at d_d before I looked at my f-list! XD
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