Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
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4th August 2010 12:49 - Monthly Wrap-Up: July 2010
The themes for July 2010 were:

1. cunnilingus
2. flaggelation (self or other)
3. male infertility
4. touch
- with alternate pairing Madam Pince/Hannah Abbot


ART: We're On Top (Mrs Zabini/Bill) by [info]la_dissonance
FIC: Private Practice (Harry/Pansy, surprise pairing) by [info]alisanne
ART: Mile High Club (Minerva/Moody) by [info]didodikali
FIC: Better Than Writing Lines (Madam Pince/Hannah Abbot) by [info]madeyemax
ART: A Fairy Tale (young Sprout/naughty fairies) by [info]jin_fenghuang
FIC: Hand in Hand in Hand (Blaise/Draco/Pansy) by [info]ldymusyc
FIC: Three's Company (Harry/Hermione/Ron) by [info]luvscharlie
FIC: What it Feels Like for a Girl (Fred/Hermione) by [info]kinky_kneazle
FIC: Pansy's Penance (Neville/Pansy) by [info]cocoa_n_coffee


FIC: Snape's Toy (Snape/Hermione) by [info]serpenscript
FIC: The Lowest Drawer (Albus/Gellert) by [info]thegildedmagpie
FIC: Pansy's Penance (Neville/Pansy) by [info]cocoa_n_coffee
FIC: Lash and Leather (Bellatrix/Alecto/Voldemort) by [info]inamac

Male Infertility

FIC: Be Creative (Charlie/Fleur/Bill) by [info]florahart
FIC: Folly (Bella/Regulus/Severus) by [info]pre_raphaelite1
FIC: Three (Draco/Astoria, Lucius/Narcissa) by [info]softly_sweetly


FIC: The Power of Touch (Bill/Neville) by [info]unbroken_halo
ART: Arthur & Molly (Arthur/Molly) by [info]ericahpfa
FIC: Relearning How to Touch (Blaise/Draco) by [info]elfflame
FIC: Sore Spot (James/Scorpius) by [info]entrenous88
ART: Touch (Neville/Luna) by [info]zephre
FIC: Snape's Toy (Snape/Hermione) by [info]serpenscript
FIC: Hand in Hand in Hand (Blaise/Draco/Pansy) by [info]ldymusyc
FIC: Folly (Bella/Regulus/Severus) by [info]pre_raphaelite1
FIC: Kickin' It Old School (Harry/Draco) by [info]eeyore9990
ART: I'm On A Horse (Blaise/centaur) by [info]thilia
FIC: Invisiable Touch (Harry/Draco) by [info]leela_cat
ART: Magic Jizz Powder (George Weasley) by [info]emzlovesharry
FIC: Lash and Leather (Bellatrix/Alecto/Voldemort) by [info]inamac

Alternate Pairing

FIC: Better Than Writing Lines (Madam Pince/Hannah Abbot) by [info]madeyemax

Let me know if I've missed anything or messed anything up!
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