Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
16th February 2010 23:49 - Art: The Colour of Submission (Snape/?) 
16th February 2010 23:47
Title: The Colour of Submission
Artist: Serpenscript
Media: Photoshop
Characters/Pairings: Snape, implied other
Rating: NC17/R
Kinks/Themes Chosen: jewelry, handkerchief code
Other Warnings: Piercings, bondage, male bits
Artist's Notes: Severus Snape wears a black bandanna in his right back pocket.

18th February 2010 03:30
1. Heh.

2. You can't. That's why it's in the bunny hutch, which is where I capture and keep all the rogue bunnies that hop my way. It might get written or it might not, depending on time, need, health, energy and other RL factors, just like every other bunny in the hutch.
18th February 2010 12:34

It sounds like an especially sexy bunny.

Just sayin'. :)
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