Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
Monthly Wrap-Up: November 2009 
1st December 2009 04:12
The themes for November 2009 were:

1. clamps (nipple or otherwise)
2. costumes
3. eunuchs/castrati
4. symphorophilia (arousal by watching or causing destruction and/or death)
- with alternate pairing Professor Quirrel/Morfin Gaunt


FIC: Office Boy (Harry/Draco) by [info]snegurochka_lee
FIC: Required Relief (Neville/?) by [info]alisanne
ART: Entangled (Harry/Neville) by [info]zephre
ART: All for you (Remus/Sirius) by [info]wallflowergirl


FIC: Detention (Harry/Severus) by [info]unbroken_halo
ART: The Greater Godzilla and the Doomed Gingerbread Castle of Doom (Albus/Gellert) by [info]didodikali
FIC: Lost and Held (Sirius/Peter) by [info]gatewaygirl
FIC: Up to So Much No Good (Harry/?, various) by [info]florahart
FIC: The Ways of Elves and Bikers (Charlie/Tonks) by [info]luvscharlie
FIC: Clean and Filthy (Snape/Draco) by [info]entrenous88
ART: "Did I Do Good?" (Regulus) by [info]osmalic
ART: Traditional Wear (Harry, Ron, Hermione) by [info]doveypoo
ART: Va-Jay Jay (Snape/Harry) by [info]tripperfunster
ART: Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Wolf (Harry/Luna) by [info]thilia
ART: Sheath (Hermione/Luna) by [info]ghot
FIC: Honey to the Bee (Bill/Neville) by [info]ragdoll


FIC: Lost and Held (Sirius/Peter) by [info]gatewaygirl


ART: The Greater Godzilla and the Doomed Gingerbread Castle of Doom (Albus/Gellert) by [info]didodikali
FIC: Into the Flames (Teddy/James II) by [info]leela_cat
FIC: Alive (Percy/Barty Crouch Jr.) by [info]madeyemax
FIC: And Venus Was Her Name (Bellatrix/Morag MacDougall) by [info]elfflame
FIC: Family Business (Bellatrix/Draco) by [info]ldymusyc
FIC: Bloodlust (Bellatrix/various) by [info]eeyore9990
FIC: Le Tenebreau (Severus, Lily) by [info]chiralove

Alternate Pairing

FIC: Alternatives (Professor Quirrel/Morfin Gaunt) by [info]pre_raphaelite1

Let me know if I've missed anything or messed anything up!
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