Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
AU Art: Pirates vs. Ninjas (Charlie/Tonks/Bill) 
24th August 2007 08:46
Artist: [info]artisticentropy
Theme/kink: AU for August!
Warnings: Threesome, costumes, incest?
Rating: NC-17
Media: Photoshop and graphics tablet
Compliant to: Nadda! It's AU baby!

Title: Pirates vs. Ninja
Pairing: Charlie/Tonks/Bill
Warnings: see above.
Summary: Real Ultimate Power: The battle between natural enemies, ninja and pirates, rages on!
Notes: For Ragdoll ([info]misfit_ragdoll on ij) who dearly loves all things eldest Weasleys and Tonks, and without whom, my polls would never have het ships as winners! ;)

(Like other fun things, it gets bigger if you touch it - well click on it, but it sounded good anyway ;)

24th August 2007 13:04
I love tonks in this, can I plz be tonks? I'm really torn. I kind of want to be here, but I kind of want her as well D:
24th August 2007 13:25
*L* I wouldn't mind being her either, for the Weasleys, but also for the completely non-functional, but rather hot, ninja-wear! *LOL*
24th August 2007 13:10
Oh no! You made me think Weasleys are (Percy is always) hot!!! Nooooo! Good lord, this is delicious.

I love the colours and Bill's concentration and the pirate boots. Mmmm.
24th August 2007 13:27
Hee! Thanks! I have to admit, I love drawing the Weasleys. They have that lovely red hair, and red hair is hella fun to color! XD I'll have to do something with Percy eventually. I think he's oddly the only brother I haven't drawn yet. o.0

I want pirate boots. ;_;
24th August 2007 13:12
This is gorgeous!!
And I love that Tonks looks like a woman with real curves and the hair... the hair is beautiful, so are the colours, both clothes and surroundings.

*pets Charlie's dragon tattoo* :D
24th August 2007 13:30
Thank you! It was a lot of fun to draw. :) If I were a metamorphmagus, I'd make myself look like Tonks! ;)

The dragon tattoo is actually a better worked up version of the little doodle I do in place of my signature a lot of times. XD
24th August 2007 14:06
OMG that's gorgeous! LOL, I have to admit, I was confused on the Ninja issue for a minute until I saw how Tonks' hands were wrapped. And then I had to do the "D'oh!" head-smack thing. So incredibly hot! I love Charlie's eyepatch! And Bill's... *cough* Yes, I love it all!
25th August 2007 00:45
*L* yeah, I was going for a more Marvel/Elektra type ninja, than black jammies wearing ninja! ^^;; Hard to look sexy wearing a black baggy body suit! Heh.

I'm pretty fond of Bill's *cough* too! XD Thank you!!! <3
25th August 2007 00:52
Considering the colour and skimpiness, my mind immediately went "Psylocke"

*hides X-Men geekiness away*
25th August 2007 01:03
*L* yeah, I may have a tiny obsession with Psylocke and X-men too... *hides away her 5 or so years worth of "wolverine"s* ;)
25th August 2007 01:17
Heh.... No problem with that, my friend. Next to HP, X-Men is my most frequent subject of fan art.
24th August 2007 14:10
Tonks is lovely, and I ADORE those boys! Perfect!
25th August 2007 00:46
XD Thank you! I'm very glad you like it.
24th August 2007 15:19
Oooh, fantastic! Tonks is super sexy and Bill and Charlie are so hot! Especially Charlie. I usually prefer Bill of those two but Charlie is seriously gorgeous here OMG. *drool* And yay for the tattoos and boots! *adds to memories*
25th August 2007 00:48
Thank you! :D I'm a big fan of pirate boots and tattoos. Charlie is also quickly becoming my favorite Weasley to draw - course, I love Bill's long hair ;_; I can't choose! XD
24th August 2007 16:14
Oooh, this is lovely! Looks like the Pirates are winning the battle, but Tonks has both of their attentions so I think she may have won the war... Her outfit is really fabulous. (I think if you just covered her nipples somehow this could be a legitimate Final Fantasy character outfit, they've really been going for the skin lately.) I particularly love Charlie's and Bill's hair. Great job!
25th August 2007 00:50
Heh, I think this is a win/win situation all around. ;) Thank you! Heh, I will admit, I am a big Final Fantasy fan. XD
24th August 2007 16:16
Good Gods. Can I please be Tonks? Please? I'll even dye my hair that lovely color of pink.
25th August 2007 00:51
*L* I wouldn't mind being Tonks, myself. ;) I'm not that fond of pink, but I could do purple hair! XD
24th August 2007 17:01
You know if I squee any more over this, I will be completely ded.

Gods, I LOVE this! And you know, I didn't notice some of the details before like Charlie's eyepatch or the way his shirt is off and hanging behind him or Tonks's hand armwraps... mmmmm so so pretty.

This might actually mean I have to write fic about it!
25th August 2007 00:55
Eee! I would SQUEE so HARD if you wrote fic for this! I've never had someone write fic for one of my pics before - well, aside from a creepy stalker guy who wrote weird incest/marty stu fic for some of my original art, but I digress! XD

I'm really glad you like it doll! I know you could use some good stuff and cheering up! :D
25th August 2007 04:28
I will definitely try to do it at some point. It seems like I can never find the time/space to do fun fic for me, I'm always behind on everything else. But I want to! And it definitely deserves a story behind it. :)

I loved it and it really did make my week! Today's been a stupid day (stupid customers, stupid Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab vials -- don't ask, stupid people). So pretty sexy art always makes it all better. When it's my OT3? Even more so!
25th August 2007 05:07
*L* I certainly understand being busy and having a pretty full plate. ;) If you get to it, I would love it to death, but no rush!

Today's been weird/stupid for everyone, I think! *L* every time I try to answer comments I get a few done and our cable/internet goes down. :\
25th August 2007 05:58
I also just am really slow about writing and then suddenly it's months later and I haven't gotten anywhere. My pimp_my_3some was actually a gift fic for someone that was started 2 years earlier and I still owe poor [info]elfflame gift fic from her birthday last year. *sighs* I'm just pathetic.

Rowan and I were comparing stupidity notes tonight. It just seems like there's some weird alignment of the stars or something. Grrrr. Now I need to start this month's d_d.
24th August 2007 17:21
Oh rwowr! That's just hot. I have a major weakness for Bill and Charlie (together especially) and then to have them as pirates?! *melts from the hotness*

The sash around Charlie's waist is just the perfect touch and really balances out the lightness of Bill's shirt. And those nipple rings and tattoos? God but I love the near-twin-ness mirroring of them. And Bill's boots! Boots that lace are just awesome. And you've done a fantastic job with Bill's cock; the way it just is partially visible is much more enticing. And freckles... especially Charlie's freckles just slay me. I'm not sure if I want to lick freckles or nipples first.

And to answer your question, I don't think it really counts as incest if they are only touching Tonks, BUT my mind goes to a happy Bill/Charlie place and says that this scene has only just started and the boys will be touching each other very soon. So yes, Weasleycest. Mmmmm.
25th August 2007 05:18
Thanks! Heh, what's hotter than Weasleycest and pirates, I ask you?! Pirates with nipple rings, tattoos and boots that lace! XD

Gah, I had too much fun with the freckles. I actually made a special freckles brush based off the brush I made for snow *L*
24th August 2007 17:27
I wanna be Tonks! *flails* I love her "ninja" ensemble. It's very pratical. *cough cough* I love the Weasley's hair, and their jewelry (do I spy nipple rings?). Squee!
25th August 2007 05:20
*L* thank you! Her ninja outfit is only slightly less functional than some of the things Marvel comes up with! *L* You definitely do spy a couple of nipple rings-I couldn't resist. Pirates need piercings. ;)
24th August 2007 18:44
Oh my gods... Tonks looks absolutely gorgeous! I really, really want to touch her right where Bill has his hand. (Proves that he's on to something!) The boys are really hot too, but it's Tonks that gives me the hots here.

And the colours here are fantastic, I love the look and feel of the style here.
25th August 2007 05:23
Thank you! I'm glad the style is working for you. It's a bit of a new one that I'm playing around with. I like it a lot so far-I'm constantly trying to find a good balance between my classical training and my inclination towards illustration/lineart techniques and past experience, and it's pretty fast compared to some of the other ways I like to work. ^^;;
24th August 2007 18:49
This is gorgeous!!!

I am not a fan of Weasleys OR Tonks ... and I adore this!
I wish I could be Tonks in this!
25th August 2007 05:25
Thank you! :D This just proves my theory!

Pirates make everything sexy. ;)
25th August 2007 11:20
25th August 2007 23:38

no no no...that's Zombies!! ;D
26th August 2007 00:58

Here in New England that's what our pirates say

Our Zombies say, "Nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnggggghhhhh"
(my husband now thinks I'm offically done!)
24th August 2007 19:28

Because "Are you ready to get PUMPED?" is the intro text on the RUP site. Eeheehee!

This pic is cool, and by cool, I mean totally sweet :D.

The Weasleys are all OMGHOT, particularly Charlie, with his rings and wrist-thing and nipple ring EE! Tonks' outfit is foxy as hell, and Bill's hair, it looks so soft... And. Pirates. Yay!
25th August 2007 05:27
LMAO I was wondering if anyone else was a RUP fan!

You better watch out or Tonks will come kill you in your sleep, AND YOU WON'T EVEN KNOW!!! XD

Thanks SH! Heh, heh! As always you rock and your comments are wonderful! *luvs on you*
25th August 2007 08:30
(have only recently come across it, but it makes me giggle)

Bill loves Tonks with all of his body (including his pee pee). But he'd better watch it, or she could totally FLIP OUT!!!!

*luvs on you back*
25th August 2007 23:40
24th August 2007 20:54
This is gorgeous. I love their hair, and the tattoos, and Tonks' outfit. :)
25th August 2007 05:28
Thanks! :D I have way too much fun coloring hair. ^^;;
24th August 2007 20:57
Are you trying to kill me? This is so freaking hot, and it's got pirates! And ninjas! And sexy, lickable Tonks! Mmmm.
25th August 2007 05:30
Oh no! You've discovered my plot! I *am* trying to kill you! *shifty eyes* because I'm a ninja. That's what I do. *L*

Thank you! :D I'm very glad you like it! Pirates and ninjas make everything sexy.
20th September 2007 10:14
Your Weasleys are superb. *simply dies*
26th September 2007 20:05
Sorry it's taken so long to reply to you! RL's been insane. ^^;; Thank you very much for your lovely comment, I'm very glad you like it! :D
19th January 2008 05:02
After drooling (a lot) shoves Tonks out of way and takes place-- favorite place-- between two eldest of the Weasley brothers! Ah, I do love this.
12th April 2009 22:14
That is super!hot. You are quite talented.
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