Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
AU Art: Pirates vs. Ninjas (Charlie/Tonks/Bill) 
24th August 2007 08:46
Artist: [info]artisticentropy
Theme/kink: AU for August!
Warnings: Threesome, costumes, incest?
Rating: NC-17
Media: Photoshop and graphics tablet
Compliant to: Nadda! It's AU baby!

Title: Pirates vs. Ninja
Pairing: Charlie/Tonks/Bill
Warnings: see above.
Summary: Real Ultimate Power: The battle between natural enemies, ninja and pirates, rages on!
Notes: For Ragdoll ([info]misfit_ragdoll on ij) who dearly loves all things eldest Weasleys and Tonks, and without whom, my polls would never have het ships as winners! ;)

(Like other fun things, it gets bigger if you touch it - well click on it, but it sounded good anyway ;)

25th August 2007 08:30
(have only recently come across it, but it makes me giggle)

Bill loves Tonks with all of his body (including his pee pee). But he'd better watch it, or she could totally FLIP OUT!!!!

*luvs on you back*
25th August 2007 23:40
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