Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
AU Art: Pirates vs. Ninjas (Charlie/Tonks/Bill) 
24th August 2007 08:46
Artist: [info]artisticentropy
Theme/kink: AU for August!
Warnings: Threesome, costumes, incest?
Rating: NC-17
Media: Photoshop and graphics tablet
Compliant to: Nadda! It's AU baby!

Title: Pirates vs. Ninja
Pairing: Charlie/Tonks/Bill
Warnings: see above.
Summary: Real Ultimate Power: The battle between natural enemies, ninja and pirates, rages on!
Notes: For Ragdoll ([info]misfit_ragdoll on ij) who dearly loves all things eldest Weasleys and Tonks, and without whom, my polls would never have het ships as winners! ;)

(Like other fun things, it gets bigger if you touch it - well click on it, but it sounded good anyway ;)

25th August 2007 04:28
I will definitely try to do it at some point. It seems like I can never find the time/space to do fun fic for me, I'm always behind on everything else. But I want to! And it definitely deserves a story behind it. :)

I loved it and it really did make my week! Today's been a stupid day (stupid customers, stupid Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab vials -- don't ask, stupid people). So pretty sexy art always makes it all better. When it's my OT3? Even more so!
25th August 2007 05:07
*L* I certainly understand being busy and having a pretty full plate. ;) If you get to it, I would love it to death, but no rush!

Today's been weird/stupid for everyone, I think! *L* every time I try to answer comments I get a few done and our cable/internet goes down. :\
25th August 2007 05:58
I also just am really slow about writing and then suddenly it's months later and I haven't gotten anywhere. My pimp_my_3some was actually a gift fic for someone that was started 2 years earlier and I still owe poor [info]elfflame gift fic from her birthday last year. *sighs* I'm just pathetic.

Rowan and I were comparing stupidity notes tonight. It just seems like there's some weird alignment of the stars or something. Grrrr. Now I need to start this month's d_d.
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