Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
11th October 2011 21:42 - Under Different Stars
Title: Under Different Stars
Author:  [info]woldy
Characters/Pairings: Luna/Tonks
Rating: R
Kinks/Themes Chosen: fingering, nipple play
Other Warnings: fluff?
Word Count: ~2200 words
Summary/Description: They're so different that Tonks doesn't understand why it works, but somehow it does work.
Author's Notes: This pairing hadn't occurred to me until I read the October themes, and then I fell instantly in love with it. I blame the mods both for this fic, and for the Luna/Tonks WIP on my computer. This is more of a character / relationship study than an actual story with plot, but I hope it's half as much as much fun to read as it was to write. Many thanks to [info]leela_cat for betaing.

Under Different Stars )
8th October 2011 20:11 - FIC: Drenched (R, Bill/Tonks)
Title: Drenched
Author: [info]silvernatasha
Characters/Pairings: Bill Weasley/Nymphadora Tonks
Rating: R
Kinks/Themes Chosen: Bathing/washing, (implied) life-threatening situations, silence (sort of)
Other Warnings:
Word Count: 1,127
Summary/Description: Bill is late for a post-mission rendezvous. He has a good reason.
Author's Notes: Thanks to bloodrunner666 @ LJ for betaing for me.

Drenched )
8th October 2011 08:44 - "Accept The Extraordinary" - Luna/Tonks
Title: Accept The Extraordinary
Author: [info]roozetter
Characters/Pairings: Luna Lovegood/Nymphadora Tonks
Rating: R
Kinks/Themes Chosen:bathing/washing, silence
Other Warnings: mentions of past non-con
Word Count: 2,563
Summary/Description: No one reallly knows how Luna ended up living at Lupin cottage after the war. But Tonks keeps the Wrakspurts away and gives Luna hope that the world will sparkle for her again.
Author's Notes: Oh, man, I am so glad to have a laptop again! Thanks to the mods for their patience! Also, ginormous thanks to [info]leela_cat for being fabulous, and for increasing her overall awesomeness by beta’ing for me. I was listening to Fallen by Audio Fauna while writing this, which rather set the tone.

Accept The Extraordinary )
30th January 2011 21:12 - Going Down On Love (Charlie/Tonks, NC-17)
Title: Going Down On Love
Author: [info]ragdoll
Characters/Pairings: Charlie Weasley/Nymphadora Tonks
Rating: NC-17
Kinks/Themes Chosen: cunnilingus, menstrual taboos, hand jobs
Other Warnings: suggestion of blow jobs, two horny sixteen year olds
Word Count: 3825
Summary/Description: Charlie Weasley is a normal red-blooded sixteen year old wizard, and a week without his girlfriend is driving him spare. He's intent on going to great lengths to show his appreciation when she comes back.
Author's Notes: What it says on the tin. Contains no blood play! I swear!
Thanks to [info]r_grayjoy for the help and support.

Going Down On Love )
10th December 2010 12:00 - Kinky Kristmas Fic: The Minister's Office (Harry/Tonks/Bill)
Kristmas Wish Fulfilled for: [info]ragdoll
From: [info]ozma_katiebell

Title: The Minister's Office
Characters/Pairings: Harry/Tonks/Bill
Rating: NC17 (Pretty much PWP with a few jokes thrown in for good measure)
Kinks/Themes Included: Spanking, mild bondage, threesome, desk sex, workplace sex,
Other Warnings/Content: This is mostly het with slashy undertones. Canon couples referenced (in past) are Harry/Ginny, Remus/Tonks, and Bill/Fleur and (in present) Ron and Hermione. Drug use. Adultery mentioned.
Word Count: 7139
Summary/Description: Being an Auror isn't as exciting as they make it out to be. Especially when they expect you to attend one boring Ministry function after another. But when a newly single Harry Potter is invited to skive off by two people in a similar predicament, he has no idea what sort of a treat he is in for.

Being an Auror isn't as exciting as they make it out to be )
6th December 2010 12:00 - Kinky Kristmas Fic: Wound Up in Knots (Tonks/Pansy)
Kristmas Wish Fulfilled for: [info]ozma_katiebell
From: [info]leela_cat

Title: Wound Up In Knots
Characters/Pairings: Tonks/Pansy
Rating: NC-17
Kinks/Themes Included: Bondage, Dom/sub relationship
Other Warnings/Content: None
Word Count: ~2,300
Summary/Description: It takes the unconditional trust of another for Tonks to learn to trust herself again.
Author's Notes: My thanks to R and E for their beta work and brainstorming.

Wound Up In Knots )
4th December 2010 12:00 - Kinky Kristmas Fic: Seven Months Along (Charlie/Tonks)
Kristmas Wish Fulfilled for: [info]luvscharlie
From: A Wonderful Watcher: [info]lovedlea

Title: Seven Months Along
Characters/Pairings: Charlie/Tonks, mention of Tonks/Remus
Rating: NC17
Kinks/Themes Included: infidelity
Other Warnings/Content: none
Word Count: 2234
Summary/Description: Tonks is sent to retrieve Charlie seven months after her last visit and has a surprise under her parka.
Author's Notes: nada

A squirrel so much as looks at your yard and it's bark bark sodding bard. People wailing on my door gets me nothing but whinging. )
30th October 2010 01:37 - Stoned Love (Bill/Tonks/Charlie, NC-17)
Title: Stoned Love
Author: [info]ragdoll
Characters/Pairings: Bill Weasley/Nymphadora Tonks/Charlie Weasley (in all combinations)
Rating: NC-17
Kinks/Themes Chosen: sex under the influence, oral sex, titwanking, wanking-wanking, pearl necklace, hand jobs, incest, threesome
Other Warnings: smoking of certain substances, consensual drug use
Word Count: ~5450
Summary/Description: When Bill and Charlie invite Tonks back to Bill's place to relax with them after an Order meeting, she has no idea it will lead to a night of uninhibited debauchery.
Author's Notes: I've been wanting to write this fic (or one like it) for forever. There's always been something about Bill that always screamed "STONER!" to me, even in canon, and so we can blame this all on him (and perhaps just a little bit on my decadent past.)

Thanks to [info]r_grayjoy and [info]ldymusyc for their constant cheerleading, encouragement and support, and [info]luvscharlie and [info]sdk for betaing and fangurling (Don't stop! Please don't stop!) I love you all.

Stoned Love )
30th September 2010 15:09 - ART: Charlie/Tonks, R, "Search for the Golden Snatch"
Title: Search for the Golden Snatch
Artist: [info]eloquent_toast
Media: PS and graphics tablet
Characters/Pairings: Charlie/Tonks
Rating: R
Kinks/Themes Chosen: First time, Sex on the Quidditch stands?
Other Warnings: Het? Public!sex (ish)
Artist's Notes: I played this month, despite having only been back from a 6 week digging hiatus. I asked ragdoll for prompties and she said charlie/tonks behind the quidditch stands. I am afraid they ended up ON the (magically enchanted to not need beams of wood to hold them up LOL) bleachers... IDEAL FOR CUNNILINGUS, NO!?!? Anyway, thank you mods! I love you! And thank you so very very much for inviting me to play - I am honoured to be working with such talented and awesome people!!!

It's a bit dark in here... )
30th September 2010 00:38 - Dear Dirty Dungeon (Bill/Tonks, NC-17)
Title: Dear Dirty Dungeon
Author: [info]ragdoll
Characters/Pairings: Mr W/Miss T, Bill/Tonks
Rating: NC-17
Kinks/Themes Chosen: please your mod, first time (sort of), desk!sex, spanking, wanking
Other Warnings:
Word Count: ~2575
Summary/Description: Dear Dirty Dungeon, I never expected anything like this could ever happen to me, but...
Author's Notes: Since this month was Please Your Mod month, it's all about me. And reading far too many Letters to Penthouse Forum in my misspent youth. Sadly, I couldn't actually find any when I went to research this fic.

Thanks to [info]r_grayjoy and [info]kabal42 for their encouragement (and for allowing me to indulge myself), [info]ldymusyc, [info]luvscharlie and [info]sdk for their mad betaing skillz.

Dear Dirty Dungeon )
29th September 2010 15:37
Title:Lunch break
Media:photoshop and painter
Kinks/Themes Chosen:please your mod :)
Other Warnings:none
Artist's Notes:Just to reassure [info]luvscharlie, Charlie has tattoos, we just can't see them because they are on his back ;)
Art Preview:

Pic under here )
23rd September 2010 23:45 - FIC: Being Obeyed (Bill/Tonks/Charlie, NC-17)
Title: Being Obeyed
Author: [info]kinky_kneazle
Characters/Pairings: Bill/Tonks/Charlie
Rating: NC-17
Kinks/Themes Chosen: Please Your Mod
Other Warnings: BDSM, incest, femdom, spanking, cunnilingus
Word Count: 1,400
Summary/Description: Bill and Tonks have never quite managed to get it together, until he finds someone willing to take on the role neither of them want.
Author's Notes: Thanks to F for the beta. I’m not sure which mod I’m writing for here, but I hope you enjoy this, and thanks to all the mods for the wonderful work they do with this community, and especially for letting me post a little later after the internet died on me last night.

Tonks followed the instructions in Bill’s note carefully. )
8th September 2010 14:38 - The Ending Never Comes Before They Do (Bill/Tonks, Kingsley/Tonks)
Title: The Ending Never Comes Before They Do
Author: [info]luvscharlie
Characters/Pairings: Bill/Tonks, Kingsley/Tonks (sort of), References to Charlie/Tonks
Rating: NC-17
Kinks/Themes Chosen: please your mod
Other Warnings: bondage, violence (but Bill asked for it), fantasy sex, frottage, role play, voyeurism of a sort (I guess), spanking, hand job, snark
Word Count: 3,628
Summary/Description: Kingsley has sent Tonks away on a mission. Enter Bill. To ruin everything. But he does it with style.
Author's Notes: Takes place after Bill has returned from Egypt in Order of the Phoenix, even though this is set there.

Originally written for the September 2010 Please Your Mods Month on [info]daily_deviant. Given that I know [info]ragdoll best, I opted for some of her kinks that weren't listed as well, including her love for Kingsley/Tonks. I think I got a few of them in there, honey. I might have gotten a few more if I could have gotten Bill and Tonks to hush and get on with it. I did, however, love Bob just a little bit.

The Ending Never Comes Before They Do )
8th September 2010 00:41 - Art - Charlie & Tonks
Title: After Class
Artist: [info]ericahpfa
Media: Pencil, pen, references
Characters/Pairings: Charlie Weasley, Nymphadora Tonks
Rating: NC17
Kinks/Themes Chosen: Please your mod (the pairing, desk!sex) because they deserve it!
Other Warnings: HET!
Artist's Notes: Earl wasn't very nice to some of us here in the Atlantic, so I am a couple of days late. I wouldn't miss this prompt though! Thanks so much to the mods!!! *squishes* It honestly did not occur to me until I scanned it but this could easily be Ron/Hermione. You know - except for teh double d's. :D

Charlie & Tonks )
19th August 2010 23:28 - Fic - Birthday Tradition (Charlie/Tonks, NC17)
Title: Birthday tradition
Author: [info]lilmisblack
Characters/Pairings: Tonks/Charlie
Rating: NC-17
Kinks/Themes Chosen: Tattooing
Word Count: aprox 2000
Summary/Description: It's Tonks birthday, and Charlie's there to celebrate with her.
Author's Notes: I'm totally blaming this (for better or worse) on [info]luvscharlie who made my brain think of Charlie every time someone said tattoo.

Read more... )
17th March 2010 16:07 - (art) Enjoying this very much, sir! (Tonks/Kingsley, NC17)
Title: Enjoying this very much, sir!
Artist: [info]osmalic
Based On/Inspired By: Interrogation Techniques by [info]luvscharlie
Media: pen, photoshop
Characters/Pairings: Tonks/Kingsley, (implied!Tonks/Charlie)
Rating: NC-7
Content/Warnings: fingering
Artist's Notes: Ugh, I fell asleep for fifteen hours. Mods, I'm so sorry this is late, I got in late from surprise!field assignment and crashed.

So I've had this art in my mind since DD announced its theme. [info]luvscharlie's fic is so hot and amazing, I didn't know if I could manage to do it justice. I hope I did. The dragon tattoo came from here.

I'm enjoying this very much, sir! )
10th March 2010 20:56 - Fic - Various forms, pairings, titles etc.
All of the below was beta'ed by [info]elfflame. Thank you so much!

Title: Luck
Author: [info]kabal42
Characters/Pairings: Luna/Ginny
Rating: PG
Content/Warnings: A kind of poetry
Word Count: 80
Summary/Description: A wedding of two temperaments.
Author's Notes: For [info]iamisaac's Sweet Kisses.

Luck )

Title: Wolfing
Author: [info]kabal42
Characters/Pairings: Luna/Harry
Rating: NC-17
Content/Warnings: Cunnilingus, role-play, penetration.
Word Count: ~ 300
Summary/Description: Luna dresses up. Harry doesn't, but that doesn't stop him form playing his part.
Author's Notes: For [info]thilia's Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Wolf.

Wolfing )

Title: Brothers do it Better
Author: [info]kabal42
Characters/Pairings: Tonks/Bill/Charlie
Rating: R
Content/Warnings: Threesome, incest (pairing + mention of others)
Word Count: 100
Summary/Description: Tonks reflects on a truth of ther sex life.
Author's Notes: For [info]ericahpfa'a No. 77.
And for [info]ragdoll who suggested this.

Brothers do it Better )

Title: Eyes on the Wall
Author: [info]kabal42
Characters/Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Draco
Rating: PG-13
Content/Warnings: Revenge, regret.
Word Count: 100
Summary/Description: A portrait thinks more than the flesh-beings believe.
Author's Notes: For [info]elfflame's Lucius' Gallery – 10 Portraits - though it only features one of the portraits.

Eyes on the Wall )

Title: You fill my Senses
Author: [info]kabal42
Characters/Pairings: Harry/Draco
Rating: NC-17
Content/Warnings: BDSM (flogging, paddling), anal sex
Word Count: ~ 800
Summary/Description: A sensory scene from a sex life.
Author's Notes: For [info]clayangel's Play Time.
And for [info]elfflame who suggested this.

You fill my Senses )
19th January 2010 23:05 - FIC: "Practically Pristine" (Various, NC-17)
Title: "Practically Pristine"
Author: [info]pre_raphaelite1
Characters/Pairings: Myrtle, Remus/Slughorn, unnamed Hufflepuffs, Minerva/Tonks, Ron, Anthony/Fat Lady, Dobby, Luna/Sanguini, Carrows/unnamed student, Ginny/Pansy, Cedric/Cho
Rating: NC-17
Kinks/Themes Chosen: andomimetophilia, anthropophagy, birth control/condoms, blood play, body painting, breasts, breathplay, catamites, clamps, costumes, dungeons, edible aphrodesiacs, execution, genital whipping, hands-free masturbation, hyphephilia, kleptophilia, medical kink, partner swapping, personal ads, pornography, red wings, ritual sex, sex shows, sex in the workplace, symphorophili, sperm banks/fetish, spectrophilia, threesomes, tourniquets, underwear
Other Warnings: Uh... You need more?
Word Count: 1100 exactly
Summary/Description: People think I spend all my time sitting alone in my u-bend thinking morbid thoughts. But I'll tell you a secret: I don't. Oh sometimes one must dwell on death in the curve of a pipe but there are other much nicer things to think and do and see.
Author's Notes: Well, this is every kink/theme I didn't write last year... Talk about a challenge! And far, far too many tags.

Practically Pristine )
19th January 2010 01:45 - (art) Fascination (NC-17)
Title: Fascination
Artist: [info]osmalic
Media: pencil
Characters/Pairings: Bill/Tonks
Rating: NC-17, NSFW
Kinks/Themes Chosen: clamps
Artist's Notes: I actually drew this months ago as an alternate to the OMG!Reguluschan art. It has a colored version but I didn't like how it turned out, and I'm getting more into sketches right now. (Color is kind of my enemy!) Thanks to the mods who allowed me to post in another date when our electricity short-circuited. XD

fascination )
8th January 2010 23:36 - Fic: I Like My Weasleys in Pairs (Fred/Tonks/George, NC-17)
Title: I Like My Weasleys in Pairs
Author: [info]luvscharlie
Characters/Pairings: Fred/Tonks/George, (Past mentions of: Remus/Tonks, Bill/Tonks/Charlie)
Rating: NC-17
Kinks/Themes Chosen: Breasts, Menage a trois
Other Warnings: Twincest, Threesome, Anal, Light Bondage and sex, sex, sex
Word Count: 3936
Summary/Description: Tonks has discovered that she likes her Weasley men to come two at a time.
Author's Notes: I actually didn't think I'd be able to write something this month and woke up and this rabid bunny attacked me first thing. Thank you [info]almond_joyz and [info]lilmisblack for the speedy beta work.

I'd planned for this to be a short little drabble for [info]fandom_fridays and then boom, I was blindsided by this. So, it is also written for Week #8 at Fandom Fridays, where the prompt was "Laughter is…"

I Like My Weasleys in Pairs )
30th December 2009 12:00 - Kinky Kristmas Fic: A Cup of Christmas Cheer (Bill/Tonks/Charlie, Penelope/Kingsley, Angelina/Twins)
Kristmas Wish Fulfilled for: [info]la_dissonance
From: [info]ragdoll

Title: A Cup of Christmas Cheer
Characters/Pairings: Bill Weasley/Nymphadora Tonks/Charlie Weasley, Penelope Clearwater/Kingsley Shacklebolt, George Weasley/Angelina Johnson/Fred Weasley
Rating: NC-17
Kinks/Themes Included: rimming, threesomes, anal intercourse, frottage, food smut, voyeurism, exhibitionism
Other Warnings: sex while under the influence of a potion, siblings in the same sexual situation (but not true incest)
Word Count: 7350
Summary/Description: Debauchery abounds at Kingsley's holiday party for the Order of the Phoenix, and for once, the Weasley twins aren't to blame. At least not completely.
Author's Notes: OMG, mystery prompter, I saw this one and had to have it. Initially, I planned on giving you one pairing and one pairing only, but everyone you requested insisted on being in on the action, and who am I to argue with the likes of them?

I hope I managed to give the ladies in question sufficient anal loving for your tastes. I'm sorry I couldn't accommodate your request for felching – I tried, but it just didn't happen.

This fic takes place sometime during a slightly altered version of Harry's Sixth Year, during Half-Blood Prince, then veers off into its own insane 'verse.

My undying gratitude to the ever patient, ever supportive R, without whom… and the usual suspects for their cheerleading and general help. And thanks to the [info]daily_deviant mods for letting me turn this in so ridiculously late.

A Cup Of Christmas Cheer )
25th December 2009 11:32 - Kinky Kristmas Fic: Bad Elf (Sirius/Tonks, Sirius/Bill/Charlie, Sirius/Kingsley, Sirius/Fred/George)
Kristmas Wish Fulfilled for: [info]ragdoll
From: A Witty Watcher: [info]lilmisblack

Title: Bad Elf
Characters/Pairings: Sirius/Tonks, Sirius/Bill/Charlie, Sirius/Kingsley, Sirius/twins and various other Order pairings.
Rating: NC-17
Kinks/Themes Included: Threesomes, orgy, voyeurism, incest.
Other Warnings: Incest, het, slash, voyeurism.
Word Count: 3982
Summary/Description: Poor Kreacher just wanted to take Mistress' special box to safety.
Author's Notes: Thanks to wonderful D for all her help, and mystery prompter, I hope you like what my muse came up with!

Bad elf )
25th December 2009 12:00 - Kinky Kristmas Fic: Now I Can See Your Nuts (Charlie/Tonks)
Kinky Kristmas Wish Fulfilled for: [info]luvscharlie
From: A Wondrous Watcher: [info]pseudolife

Title: Now I Can See Your Nuts
Characters/Pairings: Charlie/Tonks
Rating: NC17
Kinks/Themes Included: outside sex, cunnilingus
Other Warnings: frozen bits
Word Count: 1607
Summary/Description: Locked outside and naked in the snow, Charlie comes up with what he thinks is the most brilliant plan for keeping warm!
Author's Notes: No Charlie bits were harmed in the making of this fic.

At first I thought you were mental. )
20th December 2009 12:00 - Kinky Kristmas Art: Neverending, (Ever Changing) (Fleur/Ginny/Angelina/Luna/Tonks)
Kristmas Wish Fulfilled for: [info]ragdoll
From: [info]ariadneelda

Title: Neverending, (Ever Changing)
Characters/Pairings: Fleur, Ginny, Angelina, Luna, Tonks.
Rating: NC-17
Kinks/Themes Included: Oral sex, fingering, strap-ons, spanking, corsets, crossdressing.
Other Warnings: Group sex.
Artist's Notes: You wished for any combination of a number of female characters, so I thought you wouldn't mind an orgy with several of them. All girls are of legal age. I think I managed to include all but one of your kinks. Hope you enjoy. :) Merry Kinky Kristmas!
Art Preview:

Neverending, (Ever Changing) [NWS Art!] )
9th December 2009 12:00 - Kinky Kristmas Fic: Squeezing Something In Before the Holidays (Charlie/Tonks)
Kristmas Wish Fulfilled for: [info]luvscharlie
From: [info]florahart

Title: Squeezing Something In Before the Holidays
Characters/Pairings: Charlie/Tonks
Rating: NC17
Kinks/Themes Included: tattoos, humor, witty conversation, public sex
Other Warnings: n/a
Word Count: ~1500
Summary/Description: "I don't know why I put up with you."
Author's Notes: Thanks to E for very last-minute speedy beta.

Squeezing Something In Before the Holidays )
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