Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
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17th March 2010 16:07 - (art) Enjoying this very much, sir! (Tonks/Kingsley, NC17)
Title: Enjoying this very much, sir!
Artist: [info]osmalic
Based On/Inspired By: Interrogation Techniques by [info]luvscharlie
Media: pen, photoshop
Characters/Pairings: Tonks/Kingsley, (implied!Tonks/Charlie)
Rating: NC-7
Content/Warnings: fingering
Artist's Notes: Ugh, I fell asleep for fifteen hours. Mods, I'm so sorry this is late, I got in late from surprise!field assignment and crashed.

So I've had this art in my mind since DD announced its theme. [info]luvscharlie's fic is so hot and amazing, I didn't know if I could manage to do it justice. I hope I did. The dragon tattoo came from here.

"I know that. I mean what does it look like? It's not exactly in the easiest place for my own viewing, you know," she said grumpily.

"It's a dragon....A large, pink dragon," Kingsley said, pressing against her back, his lips inches from her ear.

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