Multiverse of Madness Network


Layout By

March 6th, 2023



I find the differing flows of time between here and the universes where people have been sent to be quite a puzzle. Alyssa and I were gone for approximately the same amount of time in both places, but I've seen others say they felt like they were only gone a few days when a month or more passed here. I don't suppose there has been any discernable pattern to this.

[Diego & Lila]
When do I get to meet my niece or nephew?




P.O.N.G. Alert
Portal Operation Network Generator Alert
March 6, 2020 | 21:27 hours
Portal activity reported for the the following individual(s):

  • Vincent Griffith
  • Riza Hawkeye
  • Adrian Ivashkov
  • Roy Mustang
  • Malia Tate

    [video attached of the incident(s)]

    Device(s) Disconnected.

  • [info]eternalhubris


    Network: Ikaris

    Another nascent friend gone...

    Makes a body wonder why one bothers.



    Network: Nico Minoru

    Look, all I'm saying is: have you noticed that any time anyone tries to rally us magical types, the portal whisks them away?

    'Cause it's a pattern. ijs