Multiverse of Madness Network


Layout By

January 15th, 2023



Netpost; Courtney Whitmore

Somebody looked incredibly handsome this morning, so I had to take a picture!

Hope he brightens his human’s day, and everyone else’s too!

cut for pic )



netpost; isabelle lightwood

Red used to be one of my favorite colors. I'm not so sure anymore.

With all these portals sending people who knows where, remember the rule. Whatever the number that goes in. That number comes back out. Got it?



Network: Jemma Simmons

With everything else going on, it seems a bit silly to complain about this epic case of deja vu I've had for the past week, but here we are.

If anyone has experienced anything odd or out of the ordinary and are concerned that it might be "red portal" related, please don't hesitate to stop by Medical as soon as possible. We'll do some tests and run the results by the science team to see if there might be any correlation.



Who do I have to kill to get back to New Orleans?

I cannot stay here. I need to return to New Orleans immediately. There has to be a way back. Something we haven't tried.

And yes, I read the bloody email, but I refuse to give up so easily. To become complacent. Not when Hope needs me. Not when there is potentially something coming for me and her. I need to be there to protect her.

There has to be a better answer than that they are simply bloody 'working on it.'