Multiverse of Madness Network


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October 25th, 2022



Netpost; Courtney Whitmore (pm)

There's something out here by the school!

Everything keeps going dark, and there's a solid shadow which is going crazy! It threw a car into a tree!

Is everything okay at the compound?

cut for image )



Who: Jace Herondale to Simon Lewis
What: Text messages sent throughout a night bodyguarding a bachelorette party
When: Saturday, October 15 (backdated)

I lost count of the tequila shots )



Netpost; Oliver Queen

Can confirm that the monsters? Demons? Whatevers? go poof as soon as you touch them with your bare hands.

I got a succubus, so she was pretty pissed by this revelation if her potty mouth as she vanished was anything to go by.