Multiverse of Madness Network


Layout By

October 19th, 2022



Network: Jemma Simmons

Apologies to one and all for the screams coming from my office. No need for alarm, I was simply surprised by my own spectral visitor. All is well now.

Cut for AOS Spoilers [and potential show triggers] )



Netpost; Dylan Dog

[Magic Types]
I did some initial investigation into the strange atmosphere in the garage and didn’t find anything physical. But now with all these ghost sightings I’m looking at the mystical. Have any of you ever seen things like this before. Or know how we’d track the cause? With All Hallows coming up, and the veil between here and beyond at its weakest, should we prepare for more happenings?



I saw an old friend today who I never expected to see again.

[ Eternals ]

Kingo, if you see Ikaris here in this house, he's here upon my invitation. And based on my insistence, I'm hoping to have him here more often.

And my ghost visitor was Gilgamesh.



netpost; castiel

Despite the welcome on arrival, I am still not sure how I am here. I should be -