Multiverse of Madness Network


Layout By

October 2nd, 2022



netpost; leonard snart

Fantastic. This thing is active again. Going to miss having a paperweight.



network: Cisco Ramon

The hangover cure needs to be a real thing. Ugh

Left in the lobby of the facility and the kitchen of the facility are images of one Leonard Snart's surprise!pikachu face printed out from CCTV as he realizes Cisco does in fact have powers. There are a few stuck on walls by tape or pins or whatever. )

[Steve Rogers]
Hey, so I feel like it's been a while.

Soo..these recent future flashes caused some migraine issues :/ figured I should tell you.



netpost; robin buckley

School is not as hard as I thought it would be. (Look Mom, I'm attending again. Be proud.) I kind of miss band. But the time I would have if I was in band is being used for other stuff.

I am studying what's happened for the last 30 or so years. SO MUCH has happened. I think my brain might melt. Is that a thing that happens here?

[Scoops Troop]
Steve. 911. There are so many cute girls here. I can barely function. Can we look at homeschooling? Please?