Multiverse of Madness Network


Layout By

July 8th, 2022



Netpost: Peter Quill

Lousy ass portal, taking everybody I freaking care about... 

Anywho, space is still all... spacey.  Vormir is the ass end of nowhere, even for space, so it'll still take us a while to get there.

It's... not great though.  The last map we've got is showing lots of pockets of just... bad stuff.  Somebody sciency could probably explain it.

But yeah.  We got this.  Ship's shipshape, got plenty of supplies, plenty of tunes from the ol' Spotify list.   We got this.

Somebody back on Earth, make sure Drax gets some social interaction.  He gets weird weirder than usual if he doesn't have people around for too long.



Netpost; Clark Kent

I forgot how unusual artificial gravity felt. Not having been aboard a spacecraft or station in over a year. Travelling sub light takes forever, so I expect we’ll be away for most of the month.

Karli, I hope Krypto is behaving himself. I think his cricket ball is under the couch in my place. If you were looking for it.