Multiverse of Madness Network


Layout By

July 3rd, 2022



Network: Quentin Coldwater

Things I have learned about being trapped in a time bubble:

  • It's scary, seeing everyone around you frozen mid-action.
  • If I'd been by myself, I would have been horribly bored and probably a little out of my mind by the end of hour two.
  • The barrier of a time bubble reacts to gravimetric force.
    >> Caveat: this force has to be as strong as a black hole. (Ask me how!)
  • Being stuck in a temporal distortion with a loved one isn't a bad way to spend a temporal anomaly.



Netpost: Barry Allen

Seems my enhanced speed isn't a match for these time abnormalities.

There's not much else I can do on that front. I'll be in the lab crunching data though I'm not sure what good it'll do.