Multiverse of Madness Network


Layout By

May 15th, 2022



netpost: laura kinney

I don't know if we have Eurovision Song Contest at home but I'm obsessed. I suppose the advantage of Transia not existing here is that I can choose which nearby country to root for.



netpost: ororo munroe

I've found a volunteer role leading story time at the library on Sunday mornings. Hardly the sort of thing that will save the world, but it's something.



Netpost; Clark Kent

Well, I remembered to wear my mask when I went flying yesterday. Cisco’s work is very good. Not that anyone would have seen me.

[Sharon Carter]
Karli is in medical. She was shot. I only just got to her in time.

She said her cover wasn’t blown and it wasn’t her fault. The blame is entirely yours for sending her there.