Multiverse of Madness Network


Layout By

May 2nd, 2022



Network: Tim Wayne

Here I thought my days of panic attacks were behind me. Turns out they aren't. Neat.

This place feels more like Gotham every day.

[Peter (MCU)]
Come over later?




netpost: sam wilson

[Friends & Facility staff/Avengers]
From a close reading of that notice, it seems the government has unilaterally nullified my previous agreement with them. This is some bullshit.



netpost: ororo munroe

I imagine it would be in very poor form to send T'Challa an "I told you so" message.



Network | Diego Hargreeves

What the hell is Sokovia? A country? I know geography and that isn't a place that exists.



netpost: maya lopez

This again? I have got the worst fucking timing.



Netpost: Col. James Rhodes

FRIDAY has assured me that this message will stay up for approximately twenty-four hours before disappearing.  If people need it, I'll fill them in on the details later, but I'm in no mood to leave a record for longer than that.

I'm going to assume by now you've all at least read the cliff notes version of the message security distributed to everyone.  I apologize for not addressing everyone sooner, but I was attempting to speak to the President, the U.N. security council, and anyone else who'd take my calls, as well as reading through the revised Accords documents they sent over.

Things are, in a nutshell, not good.

The events in Russian were, if not exactly accepted, at least understood.  The circumstances there granted us some small degree.  We have been allowed some leeway in the past, though in typical government fashion, they are being extremely circumspect as to what they actually know compared to what they're allowing us to believe they know.

Which is to say, "be careful."

The disappearances of Tony Stark and other people who are native to this universe without returning has them considerably spooked and more than every wanted to keep us on a short leash.  They fully intend to enforce the Accords.  Up to the point of violence if need be. 

So I cannot officially condone breaking the Accords.  In fact, on the record, I must insist that you do not. 

 Unofficially...  I fought for the Accords when they were first written.  I thought they were a good idea.  I'm a military man.  I believe in the chain of command.  I believe in orders.

But I also know that you cannot follow an unlawful order.  And while the Accords may be legal, they are no longer moral.  This is the result of panic and fear.

We are attempting legal and political recourse, but fight now, people are scared.  And scared people try to control.

If you plan on doing anything, please, exercise the utmost caution.  If you are caught... our official ability to help or protect you will be very limited. 

We've going to do our best to fight this.  But right now, we don't have a lot of friends.