Multiverse of Madness Network


Layout By

April 16th, 2022



WHO: Quentin Coldwater and Eliot Waugh
WHAT: Text Messages
WHEN: Friday, April 15 | near midnight

Hi )



Network: Tim Wayne

brb I'm gonna live in the shower for a month. And probably order pizza. Probably from my shower.



netpost; bucky barnes

Sam isn’t here.

We were together in Middle Earth, but he hasn’t come back.

And he missed his birthday.

[Eliot W]
When he does get his ass back in this reality can I hire Threshold for the party?

You and Derek okay? Did you get to your honeymoon? When Sam gets back, we’re still throwing him a 40th right? I’m asking about taking over Threshold for it.

[Clint and Dick]
Think we could fit the two of you in a giant cake? Failing that maybe a circus act for the birthday boy?



Network: Quentin Coldwater

For the record, I never want to step foot in a casino ever again.

Ever black out and wake up with a tattoo? Yeah...

Wonderland is a helluva place.



Netpost: Harry Dresden

So, back from Middle Earth.  That was kind of fun.  Kind of existentially terrifying.

Don't know who it was who looked in on Mouse and Mister while I was gone, but thank you.



Netpost: J'onn J'onzz

The citizens of Little Wakanda who disappeared have, fortunately, returned to us.  Once we have made sure they are safe and healthy, I am sure they will be willing to participate in any questioning or investigations to determine what happened.

Should anyone have difficulty reacclimating or otherwise dealing with their experiences, I may be able to lend my psychic abilities to offer some relief, though more traditional psychological methods and counseling are also available.