Multiverse of Madness Network


Layout By

March 24th, 2022



Medical Announcement

Please be particularly careful if you're touching the plants that have been growing.

It seems that the thorns have some kind of anesthetizing effect that we don't quite understand yet. One of our number, Jemma, was pricked by one and has been unconscious since the incident.

For those that know her, she is currently under observation and we are conducting tests to work out what's going on with her.

Again, please be careful and if you suspect someone has been effected, let us know.



So, assuming I don't want to sit around on my ass for the next 30 yrs, what's the protocol about getting a job around these parts?



Netpost: Peter Quill

So, ah, Drax touched one of those thorns and now he's asleep.  And snoring.

Anyone want to help me drag a really heavy alien to medical?