Multiverse of Madness Network


Layout By

March 14th, 2022



Net: Cisco Ramon

Happy PI day. Pizza delivery will happen for both the labs(Lighthouse and Facility) for lunch. Followed also by actual pie of some kind. Undecided which, voice opinions here. Also for Sallys, since they're always sending us food too.



Well... this is... something.

I think most of you know me already. Bruce Banner. A very nice young woman named Sara explained the whole alternate universe/time travel thing.

Someone tell me where I can be useful.



Network: Ikaris

I'd like to thank my subconscious for reminding me that I'm nothing but a pawn, and the game is already rigged.

Always figured myself for a pragmatist, but evidently I'm leaning more towards pessimism these days.



Network: Tim Wayne

Well, who needs sleep anyways. Not me.