Multiverse of Madness Network


Layout By

November 18th, 2021




What are your thoughts on thanksgiving? Do you want to go to the big group one? Or secret option D?



Netpost: John Walker

Let me make one thing abundantly clear. I have no problem with teenagers. I can see that this rumor is getting out of hand so I'm going to put a stop to it now.

This all started when two teenagers working portal security decided to take off with a 24 hour notice, and while we're not shorthanded now, we were at the time. Mind you, this was weeks ago. Then, when I asked for people to sign up for portal security, I asked for those 21+. Of course I was hit with a lot of attitude and I keep hearing these things about myself from people I don't hardly know that are outrageously untrue.

There are a lot of teenagers here who are looking to do good and to help. I'm sure they have plenty of experience and have been through a lot but at the end of the day, they're still kids. I enlisted in the military when I was 17 years old. My first deployment came when I was 18 years old and I saw unimaginable death and destruction. I know what that does to a person's mind. I know what it's like trying to deal with that at such a young age. I don't regret my career but I do regret not being able to be a kid a little longer because whether you all like it or not, 18? 19? You're still a kid. A young adult, but a kid. There's no rush to go out there and be a hero and put yourself through that.

I know how hard it is when you see these people you look up to doing these things. My brother was killed when I was 14 years old. His helicopter was shot down over Afghanistan. From then on, all I wanted to do and all I worked toward was to be a soldier and maybe I felt like I needed to avenge him, I don't know. But I wanted to be like him and I wanted to be able to make him proud. I understand that feeling more than anyone but I am also telling you that it's not worth the trauma and the pain.

So to reiterate, I don't hate kids or teenagers, not by a long shot but I understand being in that position and I know what it's like and I'm telling you as someone who has lived that life, take these first few years of adulthood and try to enjoy them and for the love of God, let your brain finish developing.

I don't care if you don't like me, I'm not here to make friends. I'm here to do a job. But if you're going to hate me, at least hate me for the things that I actually am.



Netpost: Val de Fontaine

Hiring anyone who could help fix my kitchen island while I wait for the new one to come in a few weeks from now. Prior skills dealing with marble would be a bonus, and it'll be paid, of course.

( I decided to try renting out my apartment in Manhattan to balance my domestic losses in the recent market crash, and let's just say my tenants went a little crazy... )



Netpost: Mobius M. Mobius

You know, it's funny, but I've never actually celebrated any holidays before?

I mean, I probably did.  Before the TVA.  But I don't remember any of that.

I mean, I know what they are.  You would not believe how many variants Christmas could spawn. But there wasn't any actually real passage of time in the TVA, so we weren't synced up to any calendar or anything.  Still managed to have a "holiday" celebration every so often, but real generic.

Kind of looking forward to the season, actually.

Any tips for a holiday newbie?



P.O.N.G. Alert

P.O.N.G. Alert
Portal Operation Network Generator Alert
11/18/2021 2200
Portal activity reported for the the following individual(s):

  • Jack Harkness
  • Jayne Cobb
  • Morgan Stark
  • Torunn Thorsdottir

    [video attached of the incident(s)]

    Device(s) Disconnected.