Multiverse of Madness Network


Layout By

November 9th, 2021



netpost; dylan dog

D&D Private Investigators have an office all set up in town and even our first few cases on the books. Which I'm allowed to feel accomplished about, right? The mysterious appearance of my business account from home certainly helped.

Good news is you can definitely get your license here, I have the application for you. Bad news is there's an exam, but I can help you study for that, no problem. Technically you don't need a license in this state to work for an established PI agency, if you don't want to go through all that, I'm the licensed one so you can skip it. You also need to get your fingerprints on record with the state.



Netpost: Wong

It is as he said. The natural order has been shifted, the balanced changed... This is a dangerous time for this planet and the worlds beyond.

I have been told of what's happened and I see the direness of the situation was not overstated. The magics required for this to happen are powerful. We are not dealing with just any lay practitioner.

For those who don't know me, my name is Wong. I am a Master of the Mystic Arts, an ally of Stephen Strange and Master of the New York Sanctum in his absence. I do not know yet why I have been chosen by this portal, but there is a reason for all.



Network: Cissie King-Jones

So this may not be Myrg and that might not have been a Boom Tube, but it's close enough to make me think these things have some kind of weird timing. This is twice now I've gotten scooped at the exact wrong moment. Last time I disappeared in front of my roommate and this time in the costume...

On the other hand, as long as I'm not on Apokolips again it's a win.

Anyone have advice on where I can get my hands on some regular clothes?