Multiverse of Madness Network


Layout By

October 5th, 2021



I wanna learn to fly the jets.

[text to Sam Wilson]
>>So no appointment this week then?
>>Are you coming back or do I need to look elsewhere?
>>Not trying to be an ass or anything, just yeah. You weren't there.


Yeah, so not trying to skip on my therapy appointments. I went tonight.



netpost: ororo munroe

Please let me know if there's anything I can do, however small.

[T'Challa, Shuri]
I found this particularly concerning. We're lucky someone was there to see what happened, and I don't like to think of the consequences should the same thing happen to either of you.
[/T'Challa, Shuri]



Hello, everyone. I've been here just short of a week and have been encouraged (thank you, darling) to properly introduce myself on this network.

I believe I met quite a few of you at the pumpkin patch festivities over the weekend, but for those I haven't - I'm Lena Luthor. I come from the same Earth as the Danvers Sisters, J'onn J'onzz, Zari Tarazi, and possibly a few others that I haven't encountered just yet.

If anyone can put me to work, I would very much appreciate it; I do best when I can keep myself busy. I have doctorates in biotechnology management, civil & environmental engineering, and computational science, but I've had my fingers in most sciences and would be happy to help wherever I'm needed.

I love you.

It's wonderful to be able to say that now and know you feel the same way.



voice post: dick grayson

[away from mic]
Yes.. You're a good boy.. Good b- nooo, that's my lunch..

[sounds of a brief chase, then a composing sigh]
Could the owner of a Hyena please come to the Portal room?

And bring me another sandwich?



Anyone else having trouble sleeping lately? Stupid question.

Anyway, talked to Tony. Still nothing.

I'll be in the portal room if anyone needs me.


Did you find anything on there?


Another dumb question: how are you doing?


I should be okay by Friday. I want to return to duty.


How are the ears?



So... With it sounding like Alioth's out there gobbling up universes, I've been wracking my brains trying to figure out what we could do.

And about the only thing I can think of is this:  We need to get back to the TVA.  It's got the kind of equipment there to monitor timelines.  Even if they're branching.

And maybe we can find something there that can control or kill Alioth.  Somebody put it in the void beyond time.  On purpose.  There's got to be something there.  Maybe even find where Loki and Sylvie went.

I know the science squad was working on my TemPad...  any luck with that?



netpost: sam wilson

Hey. If you don't already know, I'm currently down in Louisiana with my sister and the boys. When they came through the portal the versions of them that were here now disappeared, so we have a bunch of things we need to deal with since we have a house and a business there.

Discussion of mental health )

I'm not sure exactly when I'll be back, but I don't see it being more than a week or maybe two at a stretch. If you need anything that shouldn't wait, text me. At the very least I can do referrals.