Multiverse of Madness Network


Layout By

October 2nd, 2021



Network: Bucky Barnes

Sorry for the scare. Clint and I are fine, just a little beat up.

We're still trying to piece together what happened. Sorry for the alarm.

[Steve, Natasha, Sam, Clint, and Avengers]

I found my old notebooks by my bed in medical. Was it one of you guys?

There are a few lists of names in it. And some new notes I don't remember writing.


I found a thumb drive in my pocket. It's not mine.

When do you want to look at it?



this whole place feels suffocating just now I'm taking a day off, I won't t be in the lab
.. Just need some space.

So, what do you do when this whole place feels like it's caving in that isn't just disappearing? Cause that's all I feel like doing.




Has anyone gotten anything from home that they really didn't think they'd ever see again? And when they got it, did it set it off all sorts of memories that you thought you'd repressed?

Just me?


[Bat Family]

I got my Robin costume.

So...yeah, not sure how to process that right now. Considering what happened the last time I wore it.



[Private to Bruce, Tony, Clint, Thor, Steve]

Vision and Wanda's wedding is toward the end of the month, and I promised Vision that I would make sure he got a proper, traditional sendoff: a Bachelor party.

I know we all have a lot on our plates at the moment, but this is something Vision deserves, isn't it? And it will give us all a much needed opportunity to celebrate.

Tony, Bruce, are you planning things? How can I help?



Network: May Parker

[FILTER: Peter Parker]

I think we should give Tony and Pepper a little time to themselves, but we can discuss their invitation to the tower in a few weeks, alright? You know they'll still be here for you no matter where you live. ♥



I'm still getting used to having my house around. It feels so empty without my family here, even with everyone moved in. But at least, I'm a little more settled in now. And having the girls and Martha here with me definitely makes it better.

[Filtered To The Science Team]

I think I'm ready, if a couple of you want to come over and check things out this week. Just a small group though, if that's okay.

[Filtered To Peter Parker]

Did you want to go to the Halloween Masquerade Ball?



Network: Zari Terazi

So, a little something I like to do from time to time is to check in on the local happenings in the City. Imagine my surprise when I came across a couple of familiar faces in the local media coverage, who apparently were caught up in a bit of a hubbub at a climate change rally a week ago today!

Spoiler Alert! It's Ava and Karli. )

Really admire the global-conscious spirit, ladies. 😉


How's Madripoor?



I'm making smoothies in the kitchen.

First come first serve until I get tired of doing it.



Netpost: Yelena Belova

Celebrations are in order, I think. It has been six weeks, and my cast comes off on Monday! Who will celebrate with me?



netpost: laura kinney

How do you feel about the New York thing?

I guess we're in the period now where technically it's not my first time for any of the holidays anymore, but it still sort of feels like it because last year they were so soon after I turned 18 that I didn't really get any of it. Thanksgiving I didn't even realise until I went out and everything was shut. This year I want to watch the movies and eat the candy and go to the parties.