Multiverse of Madness Network


Layout By

September 18th, 2021



Network: Zari Tarazi

X-Posted from Insta (from Friday night) )



Network: Tony Stark

Hi. Yes, it's me. I'm back. I will explain things later, including why there's a large mansion suddenly next to an unzoned space in New Asgard.

Right now, I need rest. And a shower. And a sandwich.

[Avengers, Friends, and Team Science]

I'm back. Celebrations for later, we need to talk now. Meet me in the science lab. Someone order pizza.

[Pepper and Morgan]

I love you both. I need to talk to the science team then I'm coming to find you- or you can just get down here and we can talk afterward.

You know what, just come by the labs. I want to see you both, okay?


I'm back. Drinks. We're doing drinks later.



NETWORK: May Parker

[FILTER: Bruce Banner]

Now you need to take a few days off. Get some proper sleep. I'm taking you to the Museum of Natural History next weekend. I need to stop by my apartment to get some books for Ava too.



Hello, new New York! My name is Shatterstar, and I have many questions. Most importantly, is it possible to gain information here about the fate of those left in other worlds? My teammates and I were battling demons from Hell when I was taken away, and it was an extremely inconvenient time to leave them. I would like to know where my partner is, and also how my friends averted the devouring of the world by demons.

Also importantly, does this New York contain street food carts as excellent as the ones of my world?