Multiverse of Madness Network


Layout By

September 15th, 2021



We're back.

I'm going to be taking some more time off Portal Security for now while I focus on another project.

Heard I missed a pretty good baseball game.


How's the fort?


How's the Walker situation? Anything new?


I'm making an appointment with Shuri and Melina.

Dug something interesting up in Ohio.

I'm going to let Natasha explain.


Are still doing okay?

[Added Later: Natasha]

Heard you reached out to talk to Steve.

Are you going to tell him?



I'm bored. How do you not just go 疯狂的 on this planet?



Pepper )

May )

Steve )

Walker )

Karli )

Clint )



Network: Derek Hale

Finding a notification that a bank account had been set up in my name was a nice surprise when I got off shift today.

Whichever SI HR or IT person did it—thank you!

[Pepper] )

[Colonel Rhodes] )



Network: Karli Morgenthau

Got a long list of people saying we should meet/chat/whatever, so why don't I just make things easier.

I'm going to be in Central Park on Friday, all day, at Umpire Rock. Meet me there or don't. Up to you.




[FILTER: Bruce Banner]

FRIDAY said you were working so I thought I'd leave this here for when you are free. Can we talk?



[Filtered to Carol Danvers, Natasha Romanoff]
I'm back in town. Well at least the greater metro-area.

I have to go back up this weekend.

[Filtered to Barbara Gordon]
What do I owe you for the ticket?



I feel like I could stretch out on the floor in the lab and sleep. Need more coffee.

Ooo, and a chocolate croissant.

[Dr. M. Vostokoff]

I have been working with Bucky on his brain for some time now. He is having some difficulties, and since you are the cause of them, I am reaching out to you for your insight.

I have a handful of brain scans from before my work with him, and after, and would like for you to take a look as well so that I can decide the next course of action.



Netpost: Sharon Carter

It's pumpkin spice time again. While I don't necessarily enjoy it in my coffee, I do like a pumpkin spice scone or muffin.

I know it's a longshot, but I'm looking for anyone can help me speed up the healing process.

[Private to Fury and Loki] )



Netpost: Yelena Belova

[[OOC: Yelena's September Bonus Reward]]

My dog! My dog is here! She was waiting for me in my room when I got back tonight.

Did someone see her come through the portal? Security?



Netpost: Cath

[Private to Healers, Doctors, Magic Users, Science-type People]

I have some questions about hearts. Healing hearts.