Multiverse of Madness Network


Layout By

September 13th, 2021



Netpost: Courtney Whitmore

First day at a new school. I don't think I can eat breakfast. I'm super nervous

The bus doesn't pick up from here, but the walk isn't too bad is it? Or is there a bike I can borrow?

What are the odds of having too much homework after just one day?



netpost: sam wilson

[Avengers, Sarah]
Fuck it. I'm going to the bar.




I think we need to remember some of us don't have a choice in being here. I'm grateful to the native time-liners for their efforts welcoming and helping the newcomers, but my heart also goes out to those displaced from their worlds. Ben and I tried to teach our kid that kindness matters first and foremost. Great power, great responsibility.

[FILTER: May Parker, Steve Rogers]

Hi, Steve. I'm sure you saw all the comments and accusations flying on the newcomer's post. I just wanted to check in and make sure you are alright?



Sorry not sorry for the mass amounts of googly eyes you will find for weeks to come located around the labs. I couldn't sleep last night so I might have found the entire bag and yeah. Shenanigans happened. Good luck, you'll be finding these for days.

cut for images of the state of things but not filtered )



Network: Carol Danvers

Congratulations on a game well played this weekend!

The final score was 3-4, with my team Team Danvers winning.

Seriously, it was close there for a while. Thanks to everyone who came out.

Is anyone interested in doing something like this again?

Also, thanks T'Challa. You hosted a great party yesterday. It's nice to see people getting along around here.



[OOC Note: Activity Reward]

[Filtered to Stephen Strange and Harry Dresden]

It would seem that I have found myself in the possession of the Darkhold once again. When I came out of the shower this morning, it was on my nightstand. I am not sure how it came to be here, but I thought you two should be the first to know. For now, I would like to not to include the girls in this.

Stephen, I am not sure if you have heard of the Darkhold in your study of the mystic arts, but Harry, the Darkhold is also known as the Book Of The Damned. When I first discovered it, it was in the possession of Agatha Harkness, who had been hunting me, as there's a whole chapter to devoted to the Scarlet Witch, me, in there. I was studying it myself before I wound up here.

While I am protective of it, I think for the time being, Stephen, it would be safest at the Sanctum, if I would be able to secure it there. I know you or Wong wouldn't let it fall into the wrong hands.

[Filtered to the Avengers]

I found the Darkhold this morning. For those of you not familiar with it, it is also known of the Book Of Damned, and contains some of the most powerful magic known to man, inculding, an entire chapter on me, the Scarlet Witch.

While I can assure you that it is absolutely safe in my hands, I have asked Stephen if for the time being, I can leave it at the Sanctum. I trust that him and Wong will not let it fall into the wrong hands.

If anyone has any questions, or wants to look at it, I request that they do not do it without me there. The Darkhold can be dangerous for those who aren't familiar with magic.

[Filter to Vision and Viv]

Family dinner and movie night? I know that either of you don't require food, but I would like for us to spend an evening together, especially since we have Viv back with us now.



23 days.... the first 30 is supposed to be the hardest. We'll see.

Started my job today... my first legitimate job in... ever.



Help? Seriously how did Alfred do this? And there were sometimes seven of us!



No one told me we were naming our equipment and I'm concerned I'm doing this all wrong.

I need ideas. And no crazy abbreviations without Tony here



Stephen )



Netpost: Cath

[[ooc: This is Cath's Bonus Reward]]

Has someone been to the bakery?

Something was left behind for me to find.