Multiverse of Madness Network


Layout By

August 21st, 2021



Network: Bucky Barnes

So, looks like I have nothing to do on my schedule today. Does anyone need help around here?

Non-alcohol related.

And excluding Barton.


Your girl sucks.

Also, I think you need to talk to Klaus. If youre up for it.



So someone told me there were Sunday night dinners here. What do I have to do to sign up to cook? This may not be home, but on a Sunday at the end of August, season's ending? This is the time for home cooking.



netpost: elsa bloodstone

So are there any formal consequences for attacking people around here or does it just get swept under the ☠️☠️☠️☠️ rug?



Well this certainly isn't Beacon Hills....what a way to start out my Senior year....



I guess I can cross universe hopping off of my bucket list now.



[Private Message to James Rogers]

[Private Message to James Rogers] )