Multiverse of Madness Network


Layout By

August 2nd, 2021



Network: Tony Stark

We’re heading back.

Everyone is accounted for and alive.

Update )



PONG system Alert

08/2zt/21 P.O.N.G. System alert 10:46 hours [video of the ones returning home]

Carswell Thorne
Jonathan Kent
Vivian Vision.

Devices disconnected.



Network: Vision

I am saddened by my daughter's disappearance, but grateful I had time with her. She is a magnificent young woman. I only wish---



NETWORK: Pepper Potts

[Adults 21+]

We may get underage children without ties to adults here. Will you please let me know if you'd like to be a guardian of sorts?


I'm so sorry about Jon, honey.



Who wants Jon's stuff? I want it out of my room.


Come fight me. I'll be in the gym.

Now I am in an American research facility.

Would anyone like me to bring you a cup of tea or coffee?



Network Transmission

If you want the in-depth breakdown, talk with Tony and Darcy. They'll be able to answer your questions.

If you want to talk, debate, yell, punch, or throw things because we didn't tell you, come see me. Raise even a finger to anyone who was on this mission, you deal with me. Non-negotiable.



netpost: ororo munroe

There will be seminars held on Tuesday afternoon in conference room A for those of you interested in attending school when it reopens who've never been before. High school at 2 and college at 4.



Well it seems I have no way back to the palace. I would like to apologize if I scared anyone upon my arrival. It's not everyday someone kidnaps a Queen from her palace.



Network: Olivia Benson

I've been here for a little over a week. I've been reading through the network and information shared. If you don't mind me asking...

For those of you who are not of this world/present universe-- What's the last thing you remember before you were pulled here through your portal? Has anyone from your world arrived here too at any point?

For anybody else, whatever happened to General Ross? All I saw was that he and others simply didn't return when they disappeared during the portal... accident.

Also. Apparently, I've skipped ahead 11 years? Are these dates all correct?



HI! SORRY! Sorry.

I think I've got this now!

Hi! I'm Cassie and I'm super sorry about the stuff in that lab area! I didn't break anything, did I? It wasn't expected! First, you're with your friends and teammates and then, BAM! You're in a different place completely!

Totally like traveling through the Zeta-tube except your portals are so pretty!



Apparently, people coming through this portal is a normal thing, but not them coming through on flying horses. Luckily, it wasn't Aragorn's first experience going through a portal. Or mine, for that matter.

Anyway, I'm King Valkyrie of New Asgard. I've been told that there are some people that know me here? I've also been told that I was here for awhile already, apparently.

Apparently, my people are safe in New Asgard, which is New York here, not Norway, though I'm not too thrilled about leaving the ones I was looking out for suddenly without any leadershp.

Another important question, who's going to buy me a drink?



We're home.

To (kinda) quote William Carlos Williams:

"I have taken
the ice cream
that was in
the icebox"

I need it for a thing. I'll add it to the list for restock later. Sorry if anyone was looking.

Addition: I'm gonna do an ice cream run tomorrow. If you want and have a flavor you want, lemme know.