Multiverse of Madness Network


Layout By

July 8th, 2021



delivery for Steve Rogers

A card attached Sorry I missed your birthday, ordered these though. Happy belated-Tim

These brownies



netpost; castiel

Thank you, Steve, for letting us celebrate your birthday.

I have never celebrated anyone's birthday in such an exuberant manner before. Is that customary to do so on this world?



netpost; wally west

Is there any cake left?

Or leftovers from the grill?



netpost; dick grayson

Al and Bare are settled in nicely and will be accepting visitors soon!

cut for pic )



Network: Vision

[Viewable to all except Wanda]

Hello. I have procured enough funds to buy Wanda the engagement ring she deserves. Would anyone be so kind as to help me pick out the most attractive one? Thank you.

Network: Chris Pike

Well hello there. I'm Christopher Pike, a Starfleet Officer. Which I'm going to assume none of you have heard of before, so lets just say I'm an explorer. Last thing I remember, my crew and I had just finished defending a colony world from some Orion pirates... Well, I'm sure we'll manage to sort this all out.

The history of my Earth diverges from this one. I appreciate this being a capitalist oligarchy, we'll need currency to pay for food and goods. So I have to go job hunting. Anyone willing to help a newcomer out?



Network: Michiru

So, hi!

Anybody else here play sports?   Basketball?  Baseball?

We should have teams or at least some pick-up games or something!   With all the crazy powers everyone's got, it would be awesome!




Spacetime dimensional curvature and the current dimensional boundary condition. And vectors...

Ugh! Has anyone seen my whiteboard? I need those drunk calculations for this thing.