Multiverse of Madness Network


Layout By

July 6th, 2021



Even without the excitement of prehistoric visitors, this place certain keeps busy.

I suspect the amount of glass and chrome was by choice? Certainly a brave one.

The coming and going bit - how often are you finding that happens? How much have you found out about this place?



netpost: sam wilson

Great party, everyone, thanks for coming out.

[Bucky Barnes]
That was a little more dramatic than expected.

[Steve Rogers]
I take full credit for that. Try not to be intimidated by my awesome power over reality.



The 4th of July party was a lot of fun. I definitely enjoyed it. Thank you, Sam, for throwing it all together.

[Coven Girls + Ambrose]

Anyone know a spell for a good hangover cure?

I invited Peter over after the party and might have had too much to drink.

[Peter Parker]


How're you feeling?




I have questions. And you may not be able to answer them but you may have theories and you're probably the best person to bounce them off of. Except maybe Ms. Lewis, but she still owes me scratch and sniff pamphlets.

[Diana M]

Remember how I said if it was safe, I'd grab you some of the books from the New York Sanctum?



netpost: jenny

Earth parties are fantastic! And very wet. I think my favourite was the slide.



Network: Kaylee Frye

Ain't so chuffed about being pulled outta the 'black and told I been set down on the Earth-That-Was when it weren't just leftovers. But, I don't think I've see a city that's quite like this, it's so pretty. Oh, and this data pad is some shiny piece of tech.

The nice lady showing me round said there might be folk from my world here too and best I start looking on this network. Anyways, I'm Kaylee Frye, nice to meet ya, and if folk've got some kinda advice for getting settled in 'round here I ain't been told, let me know.