Multiverse of Madness Network


Layout By

July 3rd, 2021



DM ➡️ Tim Drake-Wayne

📨 Hey Tim.
📨 I'm about two seconds from climbing through your window.
📨 I know I should respect your privacy.
📨 But with B leaving, I want to make sure you're okay, and your door is closed.
📨 Are you even home or should I come prise you away from your lab?



Hey everyone!

We've had quite a bit of a shake up lately in disappearances, as well as some new arrivals.

For those of you that don't know me, my name is Daisy Johnson. I'm a former agent of SHIELD, and I've been helping out here for a few months. Along with Barbara Gordon, I helped form the Mainframe here.

I've got a couple of announcements that will be of interest here:

First, after discussing with Tony after Natasha's most recent disappearance, I've taken over communications for the Avengers' Compound.

Second, I've been working on something for awhile now that I can finally say that I've finished. I'd like to let everyone know about a place called the Lighthouse. For those of you that don't know, it's an old SHIELD bunker that was designed to be a safehouse in case of an apocalyptic event. It was abandoned in the 70s, but my team and I discovered it a few years back, and modernized it. It's a state of the art facility, and the vast majority of it is underground.

The best thing about it - it's almost entirely underground, and the government doesn't know it exists at all. It just looks like an ordinary lighthouse on the outside, with some various houses and outbuildings.

I will be moving there to focus on communications operations primarily, but I am planning on splitting my time between there and the Avengers Compound. I've also spoken to several people already about operating out of there.

We don't want to spread everyone too thin, but I do want to offer it as an additional lab space if anyone wishes to operate out of it. All I ask if you wish to use it, you ask me first, just so I know who's coming and going.

If we absolutely need to, it can be used a living quarters, but for the time being, I'm going to ask that it be used as a workspace only, unless we've worked something out.

[Filtered to the Avengers / Sharon Carter / Jimmy Woo / Monica Rambeau Team Hackers]

Thanks for helping me get everything set up again. I greatly appreciate all of your help. The Lighthouse hadn't been used in a while, so it was definitely great having the extra hands to get everything up and running.


I know you're going to miss having me around as roommate. But don't worry, I'll make sure I visit plenty. And I had a lot of help from Tony making sure that it's 100% wheelchair accessible, so you can come to the Lighthouse any time for work.

Or you know, non-work related is good, too. Especially non-work related.

In fact, we need to do more non-work related things together.

God, it's been forever since I've done this.

Would you like to do something non-work related with me?

Like...say, a date?



Network: Pepper Potts


Honey, I am here if you need anything at all.



Tell me to introduce myself and find some Ching-wah tsao duh liou mahng pretending to be my husband.

Doc, if you're here too I need you to come look at Emma make sure this whole thing didn't rattle her up.



[Text to Tim]
-I know you left the compound.
-I'm so sorry about Bruce.
-But please text me back and let us know you're okay.

[Dick, Wally]
Tim's gone dark. He left the compound. He was already on edge before because of everything and Conner's death. And now with Bruce being pulled back... I don't know what happened but he's gone. I'm trying to find him with the Mainframe system but he's good at covering his tracks.

Sorry to bother you so close to Steve's party, but I have a situation. I need to make an appointment for someone else and I'm not sure if it can wait, but it's become a bit more complicated.

Tim's gone dark. Think you could give me a hand trying to track him? Not sure we're going to have much luck, he knows how to cover his tracks but I have to try.