Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
25th September 2016 16:30 - Fic: Skanc Alley (Ron/Draco, NC-17)
Title: Skanc Alley
Author: [info]lokifan
Word count: ~2400
Characters/pairings: Ron/Draco
Rating: Explicit
Kinks/themes chosen: chrematistophilia (being aroused by paying for sex); [a smidge of] facials
Other warnings/content: general kinking on power dynamics
Summary: Ron wants to roleplay him having rentboy!Draco. Draco doesn’t get it.
Author’s Notes: Sorry for my lateness, mods! Also, I am so proud of this fic title I can’t tell you.

Skanc Alley )
21st September 2016 11:14 - Fic: As Long As You Come Home To Me
Title: As Long As You Come Home To Me
Author: [info]tryslora
Characters/Pairings: Draco/Teddy, Draco/Teddy/Victoire
Rating: NC-17
Kinks/Themes Chosen: facials, formal wear, alternate pairing (Draco/Teddy)
Other Warnings/Content: adultery, exhibitionism, voyeurism, cousincest, implied werewolf-heritage!Teddy
Word Count: ~3k
Summary/Description: Teddy just pledged himself to Victoire, but when Draco wants just one more time together, Teddy can’t resist.
Author's Notes: I’m back! Thank you to the mods for the vacation; I needed to get some other things done and off my plate so I could get back here. I couldn’t resist the Draco/Teddy pairing, and oh, the story just wrote itself with those kinks/themes.

As Long As You Come Home To Me )
17th September 2016 09:49 - Fic: "When evening quickens faintly in the street", (Harry/Teddy/Draco; NC-17)
Title: When evening quickens faintly in the street
Author: [info]lq_traintracks
Pairings: Harry/Teddy/Draco
Rating: NC-17
Kinks/Themes Chosen: 1) Chrematistophilia: being aroused by paying for sex
2) Facials: ejaculating on one's partner's face
3) Formal wear: arousal from wearing or seeing others wearing formal, fancy, or fine attire
4) Premature ejaculation
- Alternate pairing: Draco Malfoy/Teddy Lupin
Other Warnings/Content: so many blow jobs; this is 3k of blow jobs!, age differences, godfather/godson, cousincest, established relationship, polyamory, role-playing
Word Count: ~3,700
Summary/Description: Draco, Teddy, and Harry decide to role-play paying Teddy for sex in a back alley. Or: It's Saturday.
Author's Notes: Blackout Bingo, baby!!! \o/ All the themes this month, including the alternate pairing! First time doing that. :-D How could I not this month, omg?! It was practically tailor-made to my interests. *deviant chortle* Title taken randomly from Eliot's poem, 'The Boston Evening Transcript'. I opened a book of poetry, pointed at that line, and it kinda works. O_o

When evening quickens faintly in the street )
9th September 2016 07:48 - FIC: Straight into Desire (Draco/Teddy, NC-17)
Title: Straight into Desire
Author: [info]gracerene
Characters/Pairings: Draco/Teddy
Rating: NC-17
Kinks/Themes Chosen: Alternate Pairing, Facials, Formal Wear
Other Warnings/Content: office!sex, blow-jobs, some face-fucking, facials
Word Count: ~2,400
Summary/Description: Draco knows the constant Auror protection for the past month has been for his own good, but it's been hell on his sex life. It doesn't help matters that one of the Aurors is a very attractive, very flirtatious Teddy, who seems hell-bent on overriding all of Draco's good sense.
Author's Notes: I have been wanting to write this pairing for a while, but I haven't yet had the opportunity. Imagine my pleasure when I realized it was this month's alternate pairing! Thanks so much to [info]capitu and [info]_melodic_ for looking this over for me! <3

Straight into Desire )
1st September 2016 03:21 - Fic: At Her Beck and Call (Fleur/Draco/Bill, NC-17)
Title: At Her Beck And Call
Author: [info]lokifan
Word count: ~2200
Characters/pairings: Bill/Fleur/Draco
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Fleur’s having a long day at work. Bill decides she deserves some entertainment.
Kinks/themes chosen: Amnesty August: Phone/Floo sex
Content: Erotic humiliation, dom/sub dynamics; somewhat awkward phone/Floo sex
Disclaimer: The boys and girls belong to JKR, even though I’m often much nicer to them than she is.
Author’s Notes: OMG, literally just noticed the Amnesty theme! So I had to get this out the door.

At Her Beck and Call )
17th August 2016 08:10 - FIC: Make the Bad Dreams Go Away (Draco/Severus, NC-17)
Title: Make the Bad Dreams Go Away
Author: [info]gracerene
Characters/Pairings: Draco Malfoy/Severus Snape
Rating: NC-17
Kinks/Themes Chosen: Amnesty August
Other Warnings/Content: Severus Lives AU, first time, anal fingering, anal sex
Word Count: ~3,250
Summary/Description: Draco has spent many a night at Spinner's End over the years. As a child, whenever he had a nightmare, he would slip into bed with Severus to chase the bad dreams away. But Draco isn't a child anymore, and now he wants more than just cuddles to banish his nightmares.
Author's Notes: This fic was originally supposed to be a fill for this prompt over at the dracomalfoy comm for Draco's birthday party. Unfortunately, I only managed a couple hundred words before my muse decided to abandon me entirely. I thought this month's theme of clearing out the old WIP folder would be a good opportunity to dust this baby off and finish it up.

Make the Bad Dreams Go Away )
19th July 2016 16:29 - Fic: Beach Blanket Blowjob (Draco/Hermione)
Title: Beach Blanket Blowjob
Author: Musyc
Characters/Pairings: Draco/Hermione
Rating: NC17
Word Count: @1800
Monthly Theme: The ABCs of Sex
Letter Assigned: B
Kinks/Themes Included: Outdoor sex, blowjob
Summary/Description: Sun, sand, drinks, umbrellas, everything she'd wanted. But there was one thing the travel agent had apparently forgotten to mention.
Author's Notes: Thanks to the mods for letting me claim a wildcard this month. And no thanks at all to my brain that wanted to make this far more comedy than smut. I fought it the whole way, but I think it won. XD (Also, I am really bad at being subtle. Any hidden theme or word is entirely accidental. >.> )

Beach Blanket Blowjob )
17th July 2016 08:44 - Fic: Got You, Potter (Harry/Draco; NC-17)
Title: Got You, Potter
Author: [info]lq_traintracks
Pairing: Harry/Draco, (non-explicit Hermione/Ron)
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: ~2,100
Monthly Theme: The ABCs of Sex
Letter Assigned: E
Kinks/Themes Included: anal sex, hand jobs, mention of blow jobs
Summary/Description: Harry and Draco start secretly shagging during eighth year.
Author's Notes: I started a completely different story for this, and it was bloody terrible. Then this happened at the last minute and thank goodness! Had a blast writing this! Spoilers for my E theme(s) once you scroll down at the bottom, if you'd like! Thanks much to [info]gracerene for the beta! :-)

Got you, Potter )
14th June 2016 07:32 - FIC: Bite to Break Skin (Draco/Theo)
Title: Bite to Break Skin
Author: [info]gracerene
Characters/Pairings: Draco Malfoy/Theo Nott, Draco Malfoy/Astoria Greengrass
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: ~3,300
Monthly Theme: The ABCs of Sex
Letter Assigned: V
Kinks/Themes Included: *highlight for spoilers: infidelity, creature!fic, past relationship, anal sex, ambiguous ending
Summary/Description: When Theo returns to Britain after several years abroad, he reawakens feelings in Draco that he thought were long suppressed. Draco's determined to maintain a friendly distance, but it's clear that Theo has other plans.
Author's Notes: This was such a fun theme! I went back and forth a lot trying to decide what to go with, but I'm pretty happy with what I ended up writing. If possible, I'd recommend that you don't read the warnings under the spoiler cut, as, well, they contain spoilers. ;)

Bite to Break Skin )
21st May 2016 10:15 - Fic: take two
Title: take two
Author: [info]tryslora
Characters/Pairings: Luna/Harry/Neville, Ron/Draco, Dean/Seamus/Theo, solo!Pansy
Rating: NC-17
Kinks/Themes Chosen: pleasure yourself - my bulletproof kink chosen is double penetration
Other Warnings/Content: double penetration, orgy, public sex, orgasm delay, consent
Word Count: 2,998 words
Summary/Description: Harry once expected parties at Malfoy Manor to be staid and dull, not an excuse for exhibitionism and orgy, as well as quality time with his husband and wife.
Author's Notes: My bulletproof kink is definitely double penetration, and I’m pretty sure my affection for public (or semi-public) sex has made itself known over the years. While trying to figure out how to make sure I showcased both a M/M/M DP scenario and a M/M/F DP scenario, an orgy snuck in. Also, thank you to the mods, and to everyone… I just wanted to let you know that I've already talked to the mods and I'm going to be taking a couple months off while I get my arms around some original work. You all are lovely and I am sure I will be back as soon as I've got things under control and moving forward in my other projects!

take two )
19th May 2016 14:04 - Fic: Student Digs (Harry/Draco, NC-17)
Title: Student Digs
Author: [info]lokifan
Word count: ~4200
Characters/pairings: Harry/Draco
Rating: NC-17
Kinks/themes chosen: Pleasure Yourself - my bulletproof kink is spanking
Summary: Harry’s living in student accommodation. Just the phrase makes Draco shudder.
Other warnings: slight exhibitionism, very slight humiliation, first-person POV
Author's Notes: My other bulletproof kink is consensual kink between people who know each other really well :D

Student Digs )
19th April 2016 12:00 - Banging Birthday Fic: Draco's Banging Birthday (Draco/vast and sundry)
Birthday Wish Fulfilled for: [info]lokifan
From: A Mischievous Member

Title: Draco's Banging Birthday
Pairings: Draco/Neville, Draco+Luna/Ginny, Draco/Harry, Draco/Pansy, Draco/Kingsley
Rating: NC-17
Kinks/Themes Included: Restraints, anal, voyeurism, vaginal fingering, cunnilingus, threesome, rimming, anal fingering, vaginal fisting, size kink, biting, hint of D/s
Word Count: 1245
Summary: From the prompt: Draco is a very spoilt birthday boy and he wants EVERYTHING. No, EVERYONE.
Author's Notes: Thank you to the lovely S for her help!

Draco's Banging Birthday )
14th April 2016 12:00 - Banging Birthday Fic: Revelations and Resolutions (Harry/Ron/Draco)
Birthday Wish Fulfilled for: [info]hogwartshoney
From: A Wicked Watcher

Title: Revelations and Resolutions
Characters/Pairings: Harry/Draco. Harry/Ron/Draco.
Rating: NC-17
Kinks/Themes Included: Voyeurism. Pining. Angst. Threesome. Dirty talk. Sex in a public place.
Other Warnings/Content: EWE. Club!Fic - sort of.
Word Count: 5300
Summary/Description: Ron's heart ached for what he thought was a missed opportunity. He should have been the one to kiss Harry like that—not Malfoy.
Author's Notes: Thanks to S and J for all the help! All the remaining mistakes are mine. Dear mystery prompter, I hope you like this birthday present! I'm super nervous about submitting to DD! *fingers crossed*

Revelations and Resolutions )
13th April 2016 12:00 - Banging Birthday Fic: Shard (Charlie/Draco)
Birthday Wish Fulfilled for:   [info]torino10154
From:   A Mischievous Member

Kinks/Themes Included:Public sex, dirty talk, anal
Other Warnings/Content:hand jobs, groping in public
Word Count:2230
Summary/Description:Draco wants public sex for his birthday. Charlie obliges.
Author's Notes:I had entirely too much fun with this! Thanks to both betas for all their help. Happy Banging Birthday, Daily Deviant!

Shard )
10th April 2016 15:21 - Banging Birthday Fic: Talk It Out (Draco/Hermione/Blaise)
Birthday Wish Fulfilled for: [info]pauraque
From: A Memorable Member

Title: Talk It Out
Characters/Pairings: Draco Malfoy/Hermione Granger || Draco Malfoy/Hermione Granger/Blaise Zabini
Rating: NC17
Kinks/Themes Included: Dirty talk, fantasy
Other Warnings/Content: Imaginary school-era, public, double penetration
Word Count: ~5000
Summary/Description: "Just me, all alone, sitting at the Gryffindor table, and the only other students in the room are Slytherins. Naughty, nasty, and damned attractive Slytherins." - Hermione tells Draco one of her -and his- favorite fantasies.

Talk It Out )
10th April 2016 15:21 - Banging Birthday Fic: You've Been Had (Fred/Draco/George)
Birthday Wish Fulfilled for: [info]smallbrownfrog
From: A Mysterious Member

Title: You've Been Had
Characters/Pairings: Fred/Draco/George
Rating: NC-17
Kinks/Themes Included: non-con, hate sex
Other Warnings/Content: 15-year-old Draco, spanking
Word Count: ~4700
Summary/Description: George and Harry might have smacked Malfoy around after that Quidditch match, but thanks to Umbridge, he still needs putting in his place.
Author’s Notes: This possibly went further into dark non-con than you were looking for - but I hope it fulfilled the spirit of your wish!

You've Been Had )
3rd April 2016 12:00 - Banging Birthday Fic: Romance and Rituals (Draco/Hermione)
Birthday Wish Fulfilled for: [info]ldymusyc
From: A Majestic Member

Title: Romance and Rituals
Characters/Pairings: Draco/Hermione
Rating: NC-17
Kinks/Themes Chosen: Blindfolds, outdoor sex
Other Warnings/Content: None/Happy sexy Romance
Word Count: +/- 2900
Summary/Description: For a thousand years, each Malfoy and his new bride have performed a ritual on the grounds of Malfoy manor to protect the land and the family. Now if Draco can just get Hermione to stop asking enthusiastic questions long enough to get to the part he's looking forward to - sex on the lawn.
Author's Notes: Thank you to S and M for their assistance. As always, nothing you recognize is mine.

Romance and Rituals )
17th February 2016 07:24 - Fic: "More Than One Way to Polish a Broom", (Harry/Draco; NC-17)
Title: More Than One Way to Polish a Broom
Author: [info]lq_traintracks
Pairing: Harry/Draco, Draco/Harry's broom, Harry/Draco's broom, (Goyle/various inanimate objects)
Rating: NC-17
Kinks/Themes Chosen: objectum sexual/objectophilia: romantic desire and/or developing romantic "relationships" with specific inanimate objects (e.g. a car, building, or broomstick)
Other Warnings: potions-related dub-con
Word Count: ~4,450
Summary/Description: Draco's been hexed to want to get it on with Potter's broom. He takes his comeuppance very seriously.
Author's Notes: Oh beloved [info]capitu! <3 I wrote this ridiculous, ridiculous thing for your birthday! I hope you enjoy it and have a marvelous day and year, bb! *HUGS* Thanks so much to [info]sdk for the beta and title help! *squeeze*

More Than One Way to Polish a Broom )
5th February 2016 08:13 - Fic: Scent of a Man (Neville/Draco, NC-17)
Title: Scent of a Man
Author: [info]alisanne
Characters/Pairings: Neville Longbottom/Draco Malfoy
Rating: NC-17
Kinks/Themes Chosen: Olfactophilia.
Other Warnings: Rimming, Anal
Word Count: ~1325
Summary/Description: Neville follows his nose.
Author's Notes: Thanks, as always, to my betas, [info]sevfan and [info]emynn for making me look so much better than I am. ♥

Scent of a Man )
21st January 2016 09:56 - Fic: Pleasurable Penile Permutations
Title: Pleasurable Penile Permutations
Author: [info]tryslora
Characters/Pairings: Harry/Draco
Rating: NC-17
Kinks/Themes Chosen: penis modifications
Other Warnings: self-lubrication, knotting, reverse knotting, multiple orgasms
Word Count: 2574 words
Summary/Description: The box is from Pleasurable Penile Permutations, filled with pairs of magical candies for them to try. The catch is, they have no idea what the candies will actually do.
Author's Notes: Somehow, I do not know how, I did not already use the theme of penis modification. I am shocked! And of course, I had to rectify that oversight immediately.

Pleasurable Penile Permutations )
21st October 2015 08:58 - Fic: all the small things
Title: all the small things
Author: [info]tryslora
Characters/Pairings: Harry/Draco
Rating: NC-17
Kinks/Themes Chosen: small penises
Other Warnings: light bondage, early morning sex, schmoop, slow fucking, fingering, delayed orgasm
Word Count: ~2k
Summary/Description: Harry is not hung and Draco loves giving him head because of that. If it happens to be a way to silently say I love you that’s just a coincidence.
Author's Notes: This started out being a story about Draco giving head (I had originally planned for cock warming, but then Harry woke up and the whole story changed) and ended up being a story about emotions. As always, many thanks to M for reading; my work is better thanks to you. Title is thanks to Blink 182, of course.

all the small things )
21st August 2015 09:24 - Fic: Having Harry
Title: Having Harry
Author: [info]tryslora
Characters/Pairings: Draco/Harry
Rating: NC-17
Kinks/Themes Chosen: piercings
Other Warnings: bdsm, ownership, established relationship
Word Count: 2,290 words
Summary/Description: It’s Harry’s birthday, and Draco has the perfect gift.
Author's Notes: I have this head canon that I keep coming back to of a Harry that just loves being able to give everything over to Draco, and this fit in so perfectly. Loved writing a story for how Harry gets his nipple pierced (and the reactions thereof). Thank you so much, as always, to M for reading for me; couldn’t do it without you, hon.

Having Harry )
29th July 2015 10:23 - Fic: Begeren (Draco/Theodore, NC17)
Title: Begeren
Author: [info]nightfalltwen
Characters/Pairings: Draco/Theodore; Draco/OFC (briefly)
Rating: NC17
Kinks/Themes Chosen: bordellos, virgins
Other Warnings: slight drug use (wizarding absinthe)
Word Count: ~2300
Summary/Description: Theodore brings Draco to a brothel in Amsterdam for the purpose of losing his virginity before seventh year.
Author's Notes: I do believe that this would be my first foray into slash smut. But I am trying to push my boundaries and I hope that this does just that and I hope that I have done the pairing justice. Special thank you to [info]cryptaknight and also to the mods for letting me delay my posting. The title was a google search for the Dutch word for desire/want/crave. I don't speak Dutch, so forgive me if I'm wrong.

Begeren )
21st July 2015 08:26 - Memories in Magic
Title: Memories in Magic
Author: [info]tryslora
Characters/Pairings: Draco/Harry (background Harry/Ginny)
Rating: NC-17
Kinks/Themes Chosen: anal sex, virgins
Other Warnings: infidelity, memories, fantasy, rimming, ambiguous ending
Word Count: 3,342 words
Summary/Description: Harry rarely gets the chance for privacy, and when he does, some memories are easier than others to relive.
Author's Notes: So, a while back eidheann asked for this story (well, she asked for the bittersweet story of Harry’s holographic magical room and his fantasies of Draco). So this is not only my fic for July’s themes of anal sex and virgins, but also a birthday gift for her. <3 to eidheann for keeping me on track for years now.

Memories in Magic )
17th July 2015 09:31 - Fic: "Slip Into My Lover's Hands", (Harry/Draco; NC-17)
Title: Slip Into My Lover's Hands
Author: [info]lq_traintracks
Pairing: Harry/Draco
Rating: NC-17
Kinks/Themes Chosen: anal sex, virgins
Other Warnings: contains lots of prep/fingering, blow job, bottom!Draco, sex in the Prefects' bath
Word Count: ~6,000
Summary: Draco licks his lips. He shuts his eyes, because he doesn't think he can look at Potter when he says it. When he asks for it. "One finger?"
Author's Notes: In addition to being my July DD, this is also a fill for [info]snowgall's generous donation to Nepal Earthquake Relief at [info]fandomaid. She asked for "Preparation. …a nice, thorough, careful-because-we're-new-to-this anal fingering scene :)" Also first or second time (this is the first), and school-aged or just after (this is 8th year). Her prompt really fit this month's DD, so poof! It went long, though! Let's just say this is a LOT of fingering! Thanks so much to [info]sdk for the stellar beta! <3 Title from the Dave Matthews song, 'Lover Lay Down'.

Slip Into My Lover's Hands )
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