Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
24th July 2008 10:36 - Fic: Lava Girl and the Ink Drop, 1/4 (Bill/Lavender, others, NC-17)
Title: Lava Girl and the Ink Drop
Author: [info]snegurochka_lee
Characters: Bill/Lavender. Past Remus/Bill. Quite a bit of Fleur. Several werewolf OCs.
Rating: NC-17 and then some – for sex, violence and the foul language of werewolf subcultures
Content: Very violent (but consensual) sex, including some ravishment fantasy. Open marriage. DH-compliant. Het, slash and femslash included at various times. Tattoos. Everyone is over 17.
Theme chosen: Flagellation (arousal by whipping or being whipped)
Word Count: ~36,200. I KNOW. *facepalm*
Summary: The Ink Drop was the best-kept secret in the nightclubs of Wizarding London. Werewolves, or those close enough, could work out their sexual appetites on willing submissives looking for a rough ride, and nobody had to get hurt. The system generally worked best when the werewolves stayed clear of each other, but someone forgot to tell the new girl about that.
Notes: I seem to have written a lot of fic in the past year that sought to overturn werewolf-sex clichés. But screw that. This month, I decided to pile them up and roll around in them. Here, have a hugely retro werewolf cliché fic... with some Veela cliché thrown in for good measure. I know this is mostly a one-shot community, so many thanks to the DD mods for letting me write this beast for the themes this month, and for pushing back my posting date three different times when I needed more time. ♥ ! Thanks to [info]islandsmoke for the final beta, and to [info]florahart for some early advice and for reminding me months ago that Lavender Brown was mauled by Greyback at the end of DH.

Lava Girl and the Ink Drop - part 1/4 )
4th May 2008 13:37 - Fic: Adrenaline Junkies (Sirius/Charlie, NC-17)
Title: Adrenaline Junkies
Author: [info]snegurochka_lee
Characters: Sirius/Charlie. *shifty eyes* Okay, and Padfoot/Charlie. Brief Charlie/OMC
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Bestiality
Theme chosen: Loose interpretation of "fur fetish." Also, fellatio.
Word Count: ~5,800
Summary: "It's kinky, sure," Sirius murmured, closing in behind Charlie and whispering across the back of his neck, "but if you're interested in magical creatures, and I think maybe you are, you've got one right here. And he owes you a favour."
Notes: Oh, bless you, daily_deviant, for giving me an outlet for all these filthy ideas that pop into my head on a regular basis. :)
Edit for art! There is now art for this filthy fic! Breathless Anticipation by [info]akatnamedeaster (NWS). Thank you so much!

Adrenaline Junkies )
20th March 2008 14:40 - Rare Meat; Bill/Teddy (main); Fic; NC-17
Title: Rare Meat
Author: [info]eeyore9990
Characters: Bill/Teddy, Bill/Fleur, Teddy/Victoire
Rating: NC-17-ish
Warnings: Uhh. A lot of female involvement in what should be purely m/m slash, voyeurism, rough sex, maybe elements of dub-con?, blatant abuse of the OMG-he's-not-really-a-werewolfism, more blatant abuse of Metamorphagism, random gills that pop up and disappear at will, wildly inappropriate behaviours, and… maybe adultery? Hmm, that last one depends on what your definition of adultery is, I think. Also, a bit of speculation on the French and their approval of all things kinky.
Themes/kinks chosen: Bi-sexuality
Word Count: 3540
Summary: Bill may not be a full werewolf, but he still likes his meat really rare. (OMG, most lame summary ever… don't tell [info]mctabby, pls)
Author's notes: This is one of those things that, while I'm sure it's really twisted, seems strangely okay to me. Also, it is a bunny that didn't just bite, but also humped my leg a bit when [info]ariadneelda suggested it back on Valentine's day. So. Blame her? :P Thanks to [info]kathrynthegreat for the once-over and to the Vegas girls for the encouragement.

Rare Meat )
11th March 2008 01:23 - Raising Snakes
Title: Raising Snakes (or The Joys and Woes of Having Too Much of a Good Thing)
Author: [info]kabal42
Characters: Harry/Draco, Draco/Pansy, Harry/Draco/Pansy, implied Pansy/Ginny
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Explicit BDSM, several D/s relationships, a bit of cross-dressing
Themes/kinks chosen: Corsets, bisexuality
Word Count: 3274
Summary: Harry is doing Ginny a favour. Then Pansy and Draco try to do one for each other, making Harry wish he'd never agreed to the first favour. Until something changes his mind.
Author's notes: This story is set in the same universe as a good many of my one-shots. Pansy and Ginny are a long-time couple as are Harry and Draco. It is well after the war and it may be assumed that canon happened as we know it, only the epilogue is non-existant. (Not that any of this is relevant as this is completely PWP :-D)

Raising Snakes )
14th January 2008 23:02 - (art) "All You Wanted" Gellert Grindelwald/Albus Dumbledore - NC17/NWS
Title: "All You Wanted"
Artist: [info]osmalic
Media: pen, photoshop
Characters: Gellert Grindelwald/Albus Dumbledore
Rating: NC17/NWS
Warnings: slash, implied non-con, implied penetration
Themes/kinks: January 2008's "Everything old is new again" prompt
Artist's notes: I cheated and included "gay men" (canon!Dumbledore!), but mostly I chose "rape" and "branding". The interpretation of the art can be different for the viewer, though. I was hoping the bruises were strategically placed to show what was happening. Although there are no overt sexual bits, please practice discretion and sensitivity.

For the greater good, Albus. )

ETA: Photobucket caught on, so the image was deleted. I transferred to another image hosting that, I'm hoping, is temporary. Sorry for the lack of pornification. :(

ETA2: Back up, hope it's working now!
31st December 2007 10:26 - Kinky Kollab: A Soliloquy in Eight Words (Snape/James, NC-17)
Title: A Soliloquy in Eight Words
Author: [info]snegurochka_lee
Artists: [info]lizardspots and [info]calyxess
Characters: Snape/James
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: AU in several ways, including the idea that Snape's Worst Memory happened in seventh year, not fifth, because... well, you'll see. ;) Canonical character deaths.
Theme chosen: Kinky Kollaboration fest!
Word Count: ~9,000
Summary: The Prince's Tale chapter from DH, retold with a twist: "Look at me," Snape begged, trying with all his strength to block out the sight of those awful green eyes, to focus only on the boy's messy black hair and the glasses slipping down his nose. In the haze of blood loss, he could almost ignore the scar that marred this boy's forehead, and the searing eyes that would always remind Snape that he was looking at the wrong face, the wrong boy.
Author's notes: I've been meaning to write this story since DH came out. I imagine someone else has already done this idea by now, but I haven't seen it, so, yay, I'm glad for the opportunity to write it for the DD Kollab fest. It's nice to be writing for DD again. *shy wave* Thanks to [info]islandsmoke for the beta work, and to Lizard and Calyxess for the amazingly hot art!! :)

A Soliloquy in Eight Words )
18th December 2007 20:22
Title: Disrupting Rituals (Getting on With Things)
Author: [info]r_grayjoy
Artist: [info]artisticentropy
Characters: Snape/Harry
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: defilement of a war memorial
Kinks chosen: bondage, rimming, orgasm delay, dub-con, snark (yes, it's a kink!)
Word Count: 2,015
Media: Photoshop, graphics tablet, all of my free time for the past week and a half. :P
Summary: Some rituals should be disrupted -- and perhaps even replaced with others.
Author's notes: Proudly EWE; slightly AU in the 'Snape is alive post-DH' sense; I'll let the reader decide why Snape is around, and what sort of association he and Harry have had prior to this scene.
This fic was written for [info]cluegirl.
Much love and fangirling to [info]artisticentropy, who is always a joy to work with. I swear I didn't realize how porny this fic was until I saw it drawn out in vivid detail! ::dies::
Artist's notes: [info]r_grayjoy is the best author to collaborate with ever. Not only is she an awesome writer, she was super patient with how long this monster took me to finish! Every artist in existence should work with her at least once in their lives! :D *luvs on her bunches* I hope you enjoy this huge project we've put together for you all!

Disrupting Rituals (Getting on With Things)

Warning: This is really image heavy because it is a full length comic. Click on the pages to make them bigger if you can't read them. )
24th October 2007 12:32 - Art: "Cleaning Up" (Snarry - NC-17 NWS)
Title: Cleaning Up
Artist: [info]artisticentropy
Media: Photoshop CS2 and Intuos 2 Wacom Tablet
Characters: Snape/Harry
Rating: NC-17 like WHOA
Warnings: anal, mild bondage, costumes/role-playing, crossdressing, d/s, dirty talk, double penetration, public sex, sex toys, rough sex, implied spanking,
Themes/kinks chosen: Leftover Prompts Month: "Severus/Harry Dom/sub, Harry crossdressing (frenchmaid) and bend overthe desk and/or wallsex. Toys and double penetration. Dirty talk."
Summary: Harry was a bad boy and slacked off during his detention.
Artist's notes: Well...I think I covered everything... ^^;;
Art preview: (optional)

Cleaning Up )

Let's hope my server stays up this time. ;_; Please let me know if it goes out again. Thanks guys!
25th June 2007 23:13 - Art: Twists and Turns, Snape/Sirius, Lucius, NC-17
Original post at daily_deviant at LJ here.

Title: Twists and Turns
Artist: [info]ariadneelda
Media: Tablet on Photoshop
Characters: Snape/Sirius, Lucius
Warnings: Hatesex
Themes/kinks chosen: Candauilism
Disclaimer: The characters belong to JK Rowling. No money is being made.
Artist's notes: This is a gift for [info]themostepotente, to whom I promised art ages ago. ♥
Thanks to [info]snegurochka_lee for being so accommodating when I asked for a later posting date. :-)

Art preview:
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Twists and Turns )
14th June 2007 20:51 - Fic: Just Enough Room for Hope (Snape/Kingsley, NC-17)
Originally posted June 14, 2007.

Title: Just Enough Room for Hope
Author: [info]r_grayjoy
Characters: Snape/Kingsley
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: rough sex, dc, dark themes
Kinks chosen: brothels
Word Count: 1090
Summary: "He was an Auror, you know," Snape remarks casually while he waits. "His kind are the most satisfying to break."
Author's notes: I struggled with the prompts a bit this month, but I managed to deliver. Mwah! This is somewhat experimental.

Just Enough Room for Hope )
14th January 2007 20:42 - Fic: But Thou Art Not Forgot (Rookwood/Dolohov)
Originally posted January 14, 2007.

Title: But Thou Art Not Forgot
Author: [info]r_grayjoy
Characters: Augustus Rookwood/Antonin Dolohov
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: A bit of rough sex and suggestions of sadomasochism. Incongruity. Poetry.
Kinks chosen: Death Eaters Challenge
Word Count: 1810
Summary: A reunion takes place shortly after the Azkaban prison break of 1996.
Author's notes: How's this for a rarepair??

But Thou Art Not Forgot )
14th December 2006 20:39 - Kinky Kristmas to [info]karasu_hime!
Originally posted December 14, 2006.

Title: A Gift of Catharsis
Author: [info]r_grayjoy
Characters: Snape/Lupin
Rating: NC-17
Word count: 3,700
Prompt: dirty talk, over-the-table!sex, bottom!Snape, slightly-out-of-control!Remus; "Remus is transfixed by Severus' nape and can't help himself"
Author's Notes: I hope this is close to what you had in mind, [info]karasu_hime! Happy (Kinky) Holidays!

A Gift of Catharsis )
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